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http://www.100md.com 2000年11月2日
     You were stuck in horrendous commuter traffic after a spousal spat when you slide into your meeting late and unprepared. Fielding questions about missed deadlines, you're paged five times and informed of your company's impending layoffs.

    And it's only Monday.

    If you're familiar with that scenario, you're among millions. When work-related stress reaches its poison hand into all parts of your life, it's no joke.
, 百拇医药
    It's such a serious issue that America devotes a week in April to stress awareness. And today, it's National Stress Awareness Day in Britain.

    Experts say even the most successful people dangerously stress out — and the same skills that make you great at your job can help you manage the tension that's wrecking your personal time.

    It's a common belief that people who suffer from stress are weak or inefficient. But experts say strong, reliable, diligent people with a firm sense of responsibility are more likely to be affected by stress. And as life is increasingly focused around our hectic work lives, it's harder to find worker-friendly advice.
, 百拇医药
    Instead of relying on confusing advice about taking deep breaths (a good idea, actually) and the power of positive thinking (utterly useless when things are really bad), rely on your daily management skills to help deal with the unavoidable stresses of modern life. Here are some no-nonsense tips that will give you perspective and, hopefully, some peace.

    **Useful Work Skills


    If you can use it for the job, you can use it for yourself, too. When Tamara Owen, R.N., a consultant and therapist in private practice with HealingLife Skills in Portland, Ore., knows a particularly busy time is coming up, "I plan my schedule to include downtime, such as relaxing for a few moments several times a day, going to bed earlier to get enough sleep, doing less of what I call the busy work of life, such as housework, laundry, gardening," she says.
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    Chances are part of the reason you're successful is because you know how to get your point across. Being a smart talker can also be a stress-buster. Learn how to listen to people and focus on what they're saying, rather than on any emotional reactions you're having. If you do not get along with a co-worker, the ability to focus on the problem and talk through it is essential.

    Healthy venting.
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    Not unlike your deadline, ill feelings won't just go away. But the mistake many people make is telling anyone who will listen — especially other co-workers. It is still possible to spew your negativity, but think about writing it down and then erasing it, or telling someone outside the company.

    "It may be necessary to talk to a supportive friend or do something to get rid of the negative energy," Owen says. A strong social support system is a powerful stress buffer, the American Institue of Stress says.
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    Break it down to psychology.

    Understanding your stress can make it easier to beat. Once you know what's wrong, you can start to problem-solve. Know also this basic concept the AIS stands on: Stress is due to feeling out of control. It's difficult to define because it's so subjective, but we can whittle it down to that idea that lack of control equals unhappiness.

    "The sense of having no control is distressful," says Dr. Paul J. Rosch, president of the American Institute of Stress. "If there is something you can do, do it — instead of complaining, worrying and suffering needlessly."
, http://www.100md.com
    No thanks, I'm swamped already.

    The AIS reminds us to just say "no" when asked to take on a task you know will be stressful or steal too much time. "It's just not possible to please everybody," their literature says. "No one will respect you unless you respect yourself and your personal time."


    • Unexplained or frequent 'allergy' attacks
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    • Difficulty breathing, frequent sighing

    • Frequent urination

    • Diminished sexual desire, performance

    • Insomnia, nightmares, disturbing dreams

    • Trouble learning new information

    • Nervous habits, fidgeting, feet tapping

    • Lies or excuses to cover up poor work

    • Rapid or mumbled speech

    • Problems in communication, sharing

    Source: The American Institute of Stress, 百拇医药

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