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http://www.100md.com 2000年12月22日
     NEW YORK (Reuters Health) -- Asthma can be fatal, and some familiar elements of the holiday season--including wood smoke, Christmas trees and scented candles--could trigger a potentially deadly episode, experts warn.

    ``Certain traditions associated with holiday cheer can result in tragedy for families with asthma,'' according to Nancy Sander, president and founder of Allergy and Asthma Network-Mothers of Asthmatics, Inc. (AAN-MA) in a recent statement issued by the group.
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    Many Christmas trees are chemically treated after being cut and some feature artificial ``snowing.'' When combined with hot lights, ``outgassing'' occurs and can trigger an attack. Visiting relatives with pets, holiday foods, and the stress of excitement can add even more potential trigger factors to the mix.

    ``We see an increase in emergency room visits at this time of year and the peak asthma admission season is from December 15 to February 15,'' said Dr. Bob Lanier, president-elect of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, and host of the nationally syndicated ``Sixty Second Housecall.''
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    The distractions of the season may be compounded by complacency about the disease; and underestimating the seriousness or severity of asthma symptoms because parents compare it to symptoms they or their child survived in the past.

    ``Asthma is a chronic, episodic disease. Parents are used to seeing kids have trouble, get over it, get it again. After the first couple of attacks, the real concern begins to die down,'' Lanier explained to Reuters Health.
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    AAN-MA has published a new booklet as part of a campaign dubbed ``Mikey'' in honor of an 8-year-old Florida boy who died a preventable asthma death during a family vacation. Mikey's mother now volunteers as an Outreach Service Coordinator and cautions all parents, ``We figured Mikey's asthma was a way of life. We never thought for a minute it would be a way of death.''

    The campaign also seeks to encourage everyday prevention by reinforcing the importance of daily medications.
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    AAN-MA asserts that ``parents are often tempted to stop using (inhalers) or other medications when their children with asthma are symptom-free and appear to be well. However, you would never instruct your children to stop brushing their teeth just because they have no cavities.''

    Asthma affects more than 17 million Americans. Fifteen people die daily from asthma (more than 5,500 a year) and more than half a million are admitted annually to hospitals. The tragedy is, ``most asthma cases are undertreated and the vast majority of asthma deaths are preventable,'' according to Lanier.

    The booklet, containing vital information about asthma and a tip card listing holiday asthma triggers is available free of charge by calling AAN-MA at 1-800-878-4403., 百拇医药