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http://www.100md.com 2001年11月13日 好医生
     LONDON (Reuters Health) - The agency that inspects the quality of the UK's state health system will be given greater independence and new powers under National Health System reform legislation published on Friday.

    The overhaul will also see funding being delivered directly to general practitioner-led primary care trusts and groups, bypassing health authorities that are being merged into Strategic Health Authorities, and the establishment of an overall regulatory body for healthcare professionals.
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    Alan Milburn, secretary of state for health, said in a statement: "This bill is the next step in our programme to radically reform the NHS. To provide more power for health professionals at the NHS frontline, a bigger say for patients and an independent inspectorate to raise standards across the country."

    The Commission for Health Improvement (CHI), established in 1999 to monitor quality in the NHS, will now be able to specify "special measures" that failing health services need to take to improve quality, and will publish star ratings for NHS organisations.
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    The watchdog will have its powers expanded to allow it to review the quality of non-NHS premises where NHS patients are treated.

    It will also be made independent of ministerial oversight, reporting directly to Parliament, as suggested by the Kennedy report into the deaths of children at the Bristol Royal Infirmary's cardiac unit.

    CHI said the measures in the bill were an endorsement of its work.

, http://www.100md.com     "CHI has been given much wider responsibility in the bill and this is recognition of the work we have already done in improving the NHS," Chief executive Peter Homa said.

    "We are determined to see a significant improvement in the quality of patient care and the widening of our role announced today gives us the tools to do that," he added in a statement.

    The bill also overhauls the regulation of health professionals as recommended by Kennedy, creating a Council for the Regulation of Health Care Professionals that would monitor the activities of existing groups such as the General Medical Council. It will have a right of appeal "in exceptional cases" where decisions made by bodies it oversees are seen to be harmful.
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    In addition, the bill allows NHS funds to be paid directly to Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) run by GPs and nurses, and provides for the abolition of two thirds of health authorities in England by 2003. The government says that 75% of NHS spending will be directly controlled by frontline medical staff by 2004.

    Dr John Chisholm, chairman of the BMA's General Practitioners Committee welcomed the changes.

    "Implementation of the proposals in the Government's consultation paper Shifting the Balance of Power via this bill creates a challenging agenda for Primary Care Trusts. PCTs will have a hugely important role in the local management of the NHS," he said.

    "It is essential that adequate resources are provided to ensure these responsibilities can be discharged and it is also essential that PCTs have high quality management, professional input and leadership., 百拇医药