A global foundation for launching a campaign against AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria has started recently intending to facilitate bilateral and multilateral cooperation. China has convened the Asian and Pacific nations on 7-9 February to circulate the dispatch for the preparation and establishment of this foundation as well as the application procedures, the usage and the measures for the management etc. In July 2000, the developed countries, USA, UK etc. at first suggested a cooperative proposal for a global campaign of AIDS. In April 2001, secretary general of the United Nations Mr. Anan appealed again for the establishment of a global foundation against AIDS and other communicable disease, and he took the lead to donate US $10,000. Since then, collection of donations was proceeded in the governments and institutions of the US, UK, France, Italy etc. In July the same year, the preparatory working institutions related to this foundation was established and the transitory working group conformed by 28 countries and international organizations started its operation. Four of the Asian-Pacific countries, China, India, Japan and Thailand joined the transitory working group. Up to the present time, the preparatory working mechanism of this global foundation has basically created, and has already got the commitment for a donation to the amount of 17 billion US $, of which the governmental donation accounted for 94 %.

    Vice Minister of Health, Dr. Wang Longde pointed out at the seminar that most countries in the Asia-Pacific area are developing countries, where the population accounted for more than one half of the whole world, and these nations confront a harsh situation in front of the three diseases like AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. China as one of the representatives of the developing countries of the Western Pacific area, and a member state of the board of directors of the global foundation, will put in her utmost effort to make contribution for the prevention and cure of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in this area as well as in the whole world.
