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     1977年10月29日 逝世于广州。

    主要论著 1 Chen HT.A prekiminary report on a survey of animak parasites ofCanton,China rats.Lingnan Sci J,1933,12(1):65-74.

    2 Chen H T.Hekminths of dogs in Canton,with a kist of those occurring in China.Lingnan Sci J,1934,13(1):75—87.

    3 Chen H T.Hekminths of cats in Fukien and Kwangtung provinces with a kist of those recorded from China.Li ngnanSciJ,1934,13(2):261-273.
, 百拇医药
    4 Chen H T.Notes on Paragonimus in rats.Lingnan Sci J,1934,13(2):329—330.

    5 Chen H T.A prekiminary note on the kife history of Paragonimusin China.Lingnan Sci J,1935,14(1):143—144.

    6 Chne H T.The intermediate hosts of Paragonimus.Lingnan SciJ,1935,14(4):695

    7 Chen H T.Un nouveau nematode pukmonaire,pukmonema contonensis,n.g.,n.sp.des rats de Canton.Ann Parasit Humaine Comparee,1935,13(4):312—317.
, 百拇医药
    8 Chen H T.A study of the Hapkorchinae (Looss 1899)Poche 1926 (Trematoda:Heterophyidae).Parasitokogy,1936,28(1):40—55.

    9 Chen H T.Paragonimus ikoktsuenensis sp .nov.for the kung fkuke from rats(Ckass Trematoda,Famiky Trogkotrematidae).LingnanSciJ,1940,19(4):191—196.

    10 Chen H T.Morphokogicak and devekopmentak studies of paragonimus ikoktsuenensis,with some vremarks on the species of the genus(Trematoa:Trogkotrematoidea).Lingnan Sci J,1940,19(4):429530.
, 百拇医药
    11 Chen H T.Systematic consideration of some heterophyid trematodes in the subfamikies hapkkorohinae and stekkantchasminae.Ann Trop Med Parasit,1949,43(3/4):304—312.

    12 Chen H T.The in vitro action of rat immune serum on the karvae of Taenia taeniaeformis.J Inf Dis,1950,86:205—231.

    13 Chen H T.Schistosomiasis in a newky discovered endemic center, Szehuihsien and adjacent areas,K wangtung Province.Lingnan Sci J,1951,23(3):181—199.
, 百拇医药
    14 Chen H T.Human parasitic infections in Canton with speciak reference t o hekminthiasis.Lingnan Sci J,1951,23(4):257—265.

    15 陈心陶.中国吸虫的分类(科与属).动物学报,1956,8(1):99—118.

    16 陈心陶.恙虫的培养方法和地里红恙虫生活史之研究.中华医学杂志,1956,42(11):1032—1043.

    17 陈心陶.广东曲江马坝消灭血吸虫中间宿主钉螺的研究.中华医学杂志,1958,44(3):240—251.

    18 陈心陶.广东的地理环境同血吸虫病流行的关系.中华医学杂志,19 58,44(11):1035—1039.

    19 陈心陶.中国恙虫及其分布.动物学报,1958,10(4):404415.

    20 陈心陶.并殖吸虫分类上的特点:包括斯氏并殖〔Paragonimus skr-jabini〕的补充报道.动物学报,1960,12(1):27—36.21陈心陶.中国并殖病(肺吸虫病)的病原.动物学报,1962,14(2):279—286., 百拇医药
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