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http://www.100md.com 2001年7月26日 家庭医生医疗保健网
     路透社伦敦健康消息 根据俄罗斯科学院一个研究组发表的报告,虽然婴儿死亡率在上个世纪下降了17倍,但仍然比大多数欧洲国家要高。



, http://www.100md.com
    Infant Mortality Still High in Russia

    LONDON (Reuters Health) - The infant mortality rate in Russia has dropped by a factor of 17 over the past century but still remains higher than in most European countries, according to a report published this week by a group at the Russian Academy of Sciences.

    At the beginning of the last century, the infant death rate in Russia was 272 per 1,000 newborns. By 1946 it had dropped to 124, and in 2000 it had reached 16 per 1,000 newborns. But these rates are still five times higher than in Sweden, which has the lowest infant mortality rate in the world, according to the report from the Centre of Demography and Ecology at the Moscow Institute of Industrial Forecasting.
, 百拇医药
    Although in the beginning of the 1970s the infant death rate in Russia was lower than in Greece, Italy, Portugal, Hungary, Poland and Bulgaria, its current figure exceeds those in all these countries, the report shows. This applies to all three major indices of infant mortality--in the first week after birth, in the next 3 weeks and in the next 11 months.

    In 1998, diseases that develop in utero and congenital diseases caused 42% and 25% of the total number of infant deaths, respectively, the report says. These figures were comparatively close to the corresponding figures in the US and France.

    But the number of deaths resulting from respiratory illness and infectious and parasitic diseases, which caused 12% and 6% of infant deaths in Russia, respectively, substantially exceeded those in the US and France. The number of deaths caused by accidents was twice as high as that in the US and France, the report reveals., 百拇医药