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http://www.100md.com 2001年7月26日 家庭医生医疗保健网
     路透社健康消息 在美国泌尿科学会年会上报告的一项研究表明,对于某些前列腺癌患者,在术后6个月内进行放射治疗能减少大约2/3的癌症复发可能性。

    美国马萨诸塞州伯灵顿拉雷诊所的约翰· A ·利伯提诺博士在年会上说,大量前列腺癌病人接受根治性前列腺切除术。这项手术有时会遗留一些残留病灶。目前对这些病人的常规做法是随访观察,在出现问题时再进行治疗。


, 百拇医药
    Post-Surgery Radiation Cuts Prostate Cancer Return

    ANAHEIM, California (Reuters Health) - In certain individuals, radiation therapy performed within six months of surgery for prostate cancer can reduce the likelihood that the disease will recur by about two thirds, according to a study presented here Monday during the annual meeting of the American Urological Association.

    A significant number of patients who have their prostate glands removed, a procedure called radical prostatectomy, are left with some remaining disease. ``The current wisdom in this subset of patients is to just follow them and treat only if and when they get into trouble,‘‘ meeting presenter Dr. John A. Libertino, from the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, Massachusetts, told Reuters Health. But results of a study he and his colleagues conducted challenge this wisdom.
, 百拇医药
    In a review of 1,175 radical prostatectomies, Libertino and colleagues identified a subset of 534 patients with residual disease. They further refined the subset to 296 patients who received no radiation or hormonal therapy after surgery. Sixty-six of these patients received ``early‘‘ radiation therapy less than six months after surgery, while the remainder received hormonal or ``late‘‘ radiation therapy if they had a recurrence of their cancer.

    According to Libertino, the recurrence rate in patients who underwent radiation therapy was 12% compared with a recurrence rate of 38% in patients who did not receive radiation therapy.
, http://www.100md.com
    Late radiation provided no benefit, Libertino said. ``There is a big difference when you deliver radiation in patients with (residual) disease. Early is better than late and clearly early is better than no therapy,‘‘ the researcher told Reuters Health.

    Patients tolerated the radiation therapy well, he added, and the radiation did not increase the likelihood that a patient would become incontinent., 百拇医药