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治颈痛 针灸比按摩好
http://www.100md.com 2001年7月26日 家庭医生医疗保健网
     路透社纽约健康消息 治疗慢性颈痛,西方国家习惯用按摩疗法,根据德国和瑞士的一项合作研究,从减轻疼痛和提高颈椎灵活性的角度来衡量,针灸更有效。


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    Acupuncture Better Than Massage for Neck Pain

    NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - What could be better than a massage to treat chronic neck pain? Acupuncture, according to a team of German and Swiss researchers. They report that although the Western massage may be the customary short-term treatment, acupuncture may be more effective.

    ``Our study shows that acupuncture can be an effective treatment for chronic neck pain, if the objective is to relieve pain and to improve mobility of the cervical spine,‘‘ Dr. Dominik Irnich of Ludwig-Maximilians University in Germany told Reuters Health.
, 百拇医药
    In the study, which involved almost 200 patients with complaints of chronic neck pain, Irnich and his colleagues evaluated the efficacy of acupuncture versus massage or ``sham‘‘ laser acupuncture--a dummy procedure used for comparison. Each individual received a 30-minute treatment, five times a week for three weeks.

    Individuals treated with acupuncture reported greater reductions in pain both immediately after the first and last treatments and one week after the last treatment than those treated with massage, the authors report in the June 30th issue of the British Medical Journal.
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    The differences were most distinct, however, among those subjects who reported pain lasting more than five years and those with myofascial pain syndrome, the authors note. Myofascial pain syndrome is muscle pain in specific areas of the neck that may be caused by physical or emotional tension, Irnich explained.

    For example, in assessments one week after the last treatment, over half of those treated with acupuncture reported a more than 50% improvement in pain related to motion, the authors report. Only about 32% of those treated with massage and slightly less than 25% of the comparison group reported similar reductions in motion-related pain, the report indicates.
, 百拇医药
    At follow-up three months later, however, differences between the three groups were no longer statistically significant, the authors note.

    ``Acupuncture may be helpful if provided by an experienced and licensed acupuncturist,‘‘ according to Irnich. ``However, in chronic conditions acupuncture does not work wonders.

    ``In most severe chronic conditions, a multimodal (bio-psycho-social) approach is necessary, but acupuncture should play a role,‘‘ he said.

    SOURCE: British Medical Journal 2001;322:1574-1578., 百拇医药