两病毒相斗 宫颈癌危险减少
路透社纽约健康消息 最近一期《实验与分子病理学》杂志上的一项新的研究发现,感染人乳头状瘤病毒的妇女,如果同时感染腺相关病毒(AAV),出现宫颈癌前病变的可能性会大大减少。
, http://www.100md.com
, 百拇医药
Common Virus May Reduce Cervical Cancer Risk
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A common virus may interfere with the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection linked to cervical cancer, researchers report.
, http://www.100md.com
In a new study, women with HPV who also were infected with the adeno-associated virus (AAV) were less likely to have cervical abnormalities, or lesions, that could become cancerous.
``AAV may interfere with HPV to help protect women from developing precancerous lesions that sometimes develop into cervical cancer,‘‘ the study‘s lead author, Dr. Ann L. Coker, of the University of South Carolina in Columbia, said in a news release.
, 百拇医药 But Coker stressed the need for long-term studies to find out the precise role of AAV in women with HPV.
HPV can cause genital warts, although the infection does not always cause symptoms. Some strains of the virus increase a woman‘s risk of cervical cancer.
Coker‘s study included more than 300 South Carolina women who received routine Pap smears at county health departments. Fifty-five had high-grade cervical lesions, meaning the abnormalities had a high risk of becoming cancerous; 162 women had low-grade lesions and 96 were lesion-free.
, 百拇医药
Nearly 71% of women without cervical lesions and 67% of women with low-grade lesions tested positive for AAV, Coker and her colleagues report in the April issue of the journal Experimental and Molecular Pathology. AAV infection was present in only about 54% of women with high-grade lesions. 以
Coker‘s team also found that women with higher levels of AAV had a lower risk of high-grade lesions, and that high-grade lesions were most common in women who had HPV but did not have AAV.
, 百拇医药
Screening for HPV and AAV at the time of a routine Pap smear may help identify women at increased risk of developing high-grade lesions, according to the investigators. However, the authors caution that the relationship between AAV and HPV needs to be confirmed first.
The researchers are not sure how AAV may reduce the risk of cervical lesions. More and more evidence suggests that AAV and HPV infect the same tissue in women, so the two viruses may interact in some way, the report indicates.
, 百拇医药
AAV ``may interfere with high-risk HPV‘s ability to integrate into human cells,‘‘ Coker told Reuters Health in an interview. But Coker cautioned that the exact role of AAV remains uncertain. ``We‘re really just in the early stages of understanding what it does,‘‘ she said.
Coker and her colleagues caution that the body could eliminate AAV as high-grade lesions form, which would explain why women with these abnormalities seem to be less likely to carry the virus.
, 百拇医药
The study is ``interesting preliminary research,‘‘ according to Dr. Jonathan Berek, chief of gynecologic oncology at the Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of California, Los Angeles.
If confirmed, the findings may lead to a better understanding of cervical cancer, and perhaps improved screening for and prevention of the disease, he told Reuters Health.
But Berek cautioned that there is still no consensus on screening for HPV, which is definitely linked to cervical cancer. ``We still haven‘t figured out what to do with the first virus,‘‘ he said. He noted that infection with HPV is very common and testing for the virus is expensive.
Coker and her colleagues hope to conduct a prospective study that would follow women over time to determine the precise role of AAV., 百拇医药
, http://www.100md.com
, 百拇医药
Common Virus May Reduce Cervical Cancer Risk
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A common virus may interfere with the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection linked to cervical cancer, researchers report.
, http://www.100md.com
In a new study, women with HPV who also were infected with the adeno-associated virus (AAV) were less likely to have cervical abnormalities, or lesions, that could become cancerous.
``AAV may interfere with HPV to help protect women from developing precancerous lesions that sometimes develop into cervical cancer,‘‘ the study‘s lead author, Dr. Ann L. Coker, of the University of South Carolina in Columbia, said in a news release.
, 百拇医药 But Coker stressed the need for long-term studies to find out the precise role of AAV in women with HPV.
HPV can cause genital warts, although the infection does not always cause symptoms. Some strains of the virus increase a woman‘s risk of cervical cancer.
Coker‘s study included more than 300 South Carolina women who received routine Pap smears at county health departments. Fifty-five had high-grade cervical lesions, meaning the abnormalities had a high risk of becoming cancerous; 162 women had low-grade lesions and 96 were lesion-free.
, 百拇医药
Nearly 71% of women without cervical lesions and 67% of women with low-grade lesions tested positive for AAV, Coker and her colleagues report in the April issue of the journal Experimental and Molecular Pathology. AAV infection was present in only about 54% of women with high-grade lesions. 以
Coker‘s team also found that women with higher levels of AAV had a lower risk of high-grade lesions, and that high-grade lesions were most common in women who had HPV but did not have AAV.
, 百拇医药
Screening for HPV and AAV at the time of a routine Pap smear may help identify women at increased risk of developing high-grade lesions, according to the investigators. However, the authors caution that the relationship between AAV and HPV needs to be confirmed first.
The researchers are not sure how AAV may reduce the risk of cervical lesions. More and more evidence suggests that AAV and HPV infect the same tissue in women, so the two viruses may interact in some way, the report indicates.
, 百拇医药
AAV ``may interfere with high-risk HPV‘s ability to integrate into human cells,‘‘ Coker told Reuters Health in an interview. But Coker cautioned that the exact role of AAV remains uncertain. ``We‘re really just in the early stages of understanding what it does,‘‘ she said.
Coker and her colleagues caution that the body could eliminate AAV as high-grade lesions form, which would explain why women with these abnormalities seem to be less likely to carry the virus.
, 百拇医药
The study is ``interesting preliminary research,‘‘ according to Dr. Jonathan Berek, chief of gynecologic oncology at the Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of California, Los Angeles.
If confirmed, the findings may lead to a better understanding of cervical cancer, and perhaps improved screening for and prevention of the disease, he told Reuters Health.
But Berek cautioned that there is still no consensus on screening for HPV, which is definitely linked to cervical cancer. ``We still haven‘t figured out what to do with the first virus,‘‘ he said. He noted that infection with HPV is very common and testing for the virus is expensive.
Coker and her colleagues hope to conduct a prospective study that would follow women over time to determine the precise role of AAV., 百拇医药