23年前,瑞士医生安德鲁斯·格鲁恩兹(Dr. Andreas Gruentzig)紧张地把一根前端带有球囊的导管插入到病人阿杜夫·巴曼心脏的一条动脉里面,扩张球囊,使动脉恢复通畅,完成了医学界首例冠状动脉球囊扩张术,巴曼也成了世界上第一位接受冠状动脉球囊扩张术病人被载入了医学界的史册。据近期的《新英格兰医学杂志》报导,直至去年四月对巴曼进行的一次体检表明,他心脏的血管依然血液通畅。
, 百拇医药
First Angioplasty a Success Story
Twenty-three years after Dr. Andreas Gruentzig of Switzerland nervously made medical history by threading a balloon-tipped tube into an artery supplying Adolph Bachman‘s heart, the blood vessel is still unclogged.
, http://www.100md.com
An exam done last April on Bachman showed that blood was flowing freely, according to a report in Thursday‘s New England Journal of Medicine (news - web sites) on the world‘s first balloon angioplasty - a procedure that is now performed about 700,000 times a year in the United States alone.
Bachman was 38 when he was told that Gruentzig had an alternative to bypass surgery. It was a treatment that had worked in leg arteries but had never been tried on the heart: inserting a tiny catheter into the artery, then blowing up a balloon at the end to squash the blood clot blocking it. Gruentzig had designed the prototypes in his kitchen.
, http://www.100md.com
Gruentzig did Bachman‘s angioplasty on Sept. 16, 1977, at University Hospital in Zurich, Switzerland, despite great skepticism from others and resistance from his superiors, said Dr. Valentin Fuster, whom Gruentzig consulted.
``Andreas was very tense,‘‘ Dr. Bernhard Meier, Bachman‘s physician, said in a video made to commemorate the procedure‘s 20th anniversary. ``There was simply no room for failure in the first patient, considering the circumstances.‘‘
, http://www.100md.com
The video shows Bachman saying, ``I was probably the calmest person in the room. But not because I‘m an especially calm person, but because I was given sedatives and medicines.‘‘
The angioplasty eliminated all of Bachman‘s symptoms, Meier wrote in the journal report. The patient quit smoking and soon stopped taking all his cardiac medications. A few years ago, he began taking aspirin and cholesterol-lowering drugs.
Gruentzig died in 1985.
, http://www.100md.com
That the artery is still clear ``really pays tribute to this innovative approach of Dr. Gruentzig,‘‘ said Fuster, director of the Cardiovascular Institute at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and former president of the American Heart Association (news - web sites).
When Gruentzig presented results of his first four angioplasties at an American Heart Association meeting in 1977, he got a standing ovation. Fuster said Gruentzig believed that the benefits of angioplasty would be temporary, perhaps postponing the need for a bypass. ``His comments were rather humble,‘‘ Fuster said.
Nearly one-third of the early patients‘ arteries clogged again within a year. That is now down to 15 percent to 25 percent, and angioplasty is considered the best treatment for heart attack patients if done promptly at hospitals that perform the procedure often., 百拇医药
, 百拇医药
First Angioplasty a Success Story
Twenty-three years after Dr. Andreas Gruentzig of Switzerland nervously made medical history by threading a balloon-tipped tube into an artery supplying Adolph Bachman‘s heart, the blood vessel is still unclogged.
, http://www.100md.com
An exam done last April on Bachman showed that blood was flowing freely, according to a report in Thursday‘s New England Journal of Medicine (news - web sites) on the world‘s first balloon angioplasty - a procedure that is now performed about 700,000 times a year in the United States alone.
Bachman was 38 when he was told that Gruentzig had an alternative to bypass surgery. It was a treatment that had worked in leg arteries but had never been tried on the heart: inserting a tiny catheter into the artery, then blowing up a balloon at the end to squash the blood clot blocking it. Gruentzig had designed the prototypes in his kitchen.
, http://www.100md.com
Gruentzig did Bachman‘s angioplasty on Sept. 16, 1977, at University Hospital in Zurich, Switzerland, despite great skepticism from others and resistance from his superiors, said Dr. Valentin Fuster, whom Gruentzig consulted.
``Andreas was very tense,‘‘ Dr. Bernhard Meier, Bachman‘s physician, said in a video made to commemorate the procedure‘s 20th anniversary. ``There was simply no room for failure in the first patient, considering the circumstances.‘‘
, http://www.100md.com
The video shows Bachman saying, ``I was probably the calmest person in the room. But not because I‘m an especially calm person, but because I was given sedatives and medicines.‘‘
The angioplasty eliminated all of Bachman‘s symptoms, Meier wrote in the journal report. The patient quit smoking and soon stopped taking all his cardiac medications. A few years ago, he began taking aspirin and cholesterol-lowering drugs.
Gruentzig died in 1985.
, http://www.100md.com
That the artery is still clear ``really pays tribute to this innovative approach of Dr. Gruentzig,‘‘ said Fuster, director of the Cardiovascular Institute at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and former president of the American Heart Association (news - web sites).
When Gruentzig presented results of his first four angioplasties at an American Heart Association meeting in 1977, he got a standing ovation. Fuster said Gruentzig believed that the benefits of angioplasty would be temporary, perhaps postponing the need for a bypass. ``His comments were rather humble,‘‘ Fuster said.
Nearly one-third of the early patients‘ arteries clogged again within a year. That is now down to 15 percent to 25 percent, and angioplasty is considered the best treatment for heart attack patients if done promptly at hospitals that perform the procedure often., 百拇医药
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