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http://www.100md.com 2006年6月19日 张崇富

    A Study of the External Alchemy of the Highest Clarity Scriptures


    So far, studies on the external Alchemy of the Highest Clarity Scriptures have been inadequate, and have not received due attention. This paper gives a detailed discussion of the characteristics of the external Alchemy of the Highest Clarity Scriptures described in the Taiwei lingshu ziwen langgan huadan shenzhen shangjing and Taishang bajing sirui zijiang wuzhu jiangsheng shendan fangjing. It examines these characteristics in regard to their historical development, furnaces, mud, fires, medicines, taboos, and efficacies etc. and points out that the characteristics of the external Alchemy of the Highest Clarity Scriptures are quite different from those described in Cantongqi (Three Ways Unified and Normalized). For example, words like Dragon, Tiger, lead and mercury, which are profusely used in Cantongqi, are not mentioned in the above two scriptures. In addition, the two scriptures contain no citation from Cantongqi, even though they were written at a later time. Compared to Cantonqi, they are less theoretical but more practical. Studies on the characteristics of the external Alchemy of the Highest Clarity Scriptures will reveal an important aspect of the ancient external Alchemy which is not covered in Cantongqi. Therefore, they carry great significance.

    Key Words: Highest Clarity Sect The External Alchemy Taiwei lingshu ziwen langgan huadam shenzhen shangjing and Taishang bajing sirui zijiang wuzhu jiangsheng shendan fangjing

    Dr. Chongfu Zhang, Associate professor of School of overseas education, Sichuan University

    提 要: 本文分别从历史传承、丹炉、灶法、神泥、火法、用药、禁忌和效验等角度对上清经《太徽灵书紫文琅玕华丹神真上经》和《上清太上帝君九真中经》卷下的《太上八景四蘂紫浆五珠绛生神丹方经》中的外丹丹法进行了详细的探讨,认为在道教外丹研究中对上清派外丹的研究相当缺乏,还没有引起足够的重视。上清所涉及的外丹丹法与参同契一系的古外丹丹法迥然不同:既不用龙虎、真铅、真汞等名词,也不援引《参同契龙虎经》,具有理旨淡薄、可操作性强的特点。对上清经所涉及的外丹丹法的研究将进一步揭示参同契一系以外的古外丹丹法的真实面目,因而具有重要的学术意义。

    主题词:上清经 外丹《太徽灵书紫文琅玕华丹神真上经》《太上八景四蘂紫浆五珠绛生神丹方经》

    张崇富 四川大学海外教育学院副教授,宗教学博士。


    据贾嵩《华阳陶隐居内传》的记载,陶弘景对待炼丹的态度是非常认真严谨的,他既不盲从古说,也不轻易尝试那些意思不明的丹方。他炼丹的第一步就是对丹经中所记载的"丹方"进行了严格的甄别与筛选。他认为,有的丹方口诀不露, 方法舛略;有的丹方有假冒附加的成分;有的丹方用药甚偏,难以采办。最后才选中了"上清九转金丹方",认为 "唯九转所用药石,皆可寻求;制方之体,辞无浮长,乃缄愿毕志"1。


    此外,李时珍的《本草纲目》中还记载了陶弘景对天然水银和人工炼制水银的区别以及通过火焰的颜色来鉴别硝石和朴消的方法。"[弘景曰]今水银有生熟。此云生符陵平土者,是出朱砂腹中,亦有别出沙地者。青白色,最胜。出于丹砂者,是今烧粗末朱砂所得,色小白浊,不及生者。甚能消化金银,使成泥,人以镀物是也。烧时飞着釜上灰,名汞粉,俗呼为水银灰,最能去风。"3陶弘景以生熟来分别水银质地的高下,无疑是一种比较素朴的认识。而通过火焰来区别硝石和朴消的方法被认为是近代化学用火焰鉴别元素的先声。"[弘景曰]消石疗病与朴消相似,仙经用此消化诸石,今无真识此者 ......
