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http://www.100md.com 2007年11月23日 《医药经济报》 2007.11.23



    Major adverse reactions include inhibition [inhi'bin] of myelopoiesis [mailupi'isis] and hepatitis [hep'tatis].


    In rare cases, a decrease in blood pressure may occur, so a blood pressure check-up is recommended.


    Aspirin would aggravate ['grveit] in gastric ['gstrik] ulcer.


    These unwanted effects usually disappear automatically [t'mtikli] after seven to fourteen days or following a temporary ['temprri] reduction in the dosage.


    After five to seven days of continuous infusion at a high dosage, the gastrointestinal [gstruin'testnl] complications are more pronounced and can, on occasion, lead to ileus ['ilis]. All side effects are reversible after cessation [s'sein] of therapy.


    In some patients, nausea ['nsj] , dizziness ['dizinis] and vomit ['vmit] may occur in the first few days of treatment, but the treatment need not be discontinued because of that.


    Loss of appetite and nausea occur in most cases, sometimes with vomiting. These symptoms are usually confined [kn'faind] to the first few days of treatment and then eventually [i'ventjuli] disappear.

    (摘自《药师实用英语口语》,李艳芳、庄华玲著), 百拇医药(药品的使用之用法说明)