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董氏正经奇穴 原始祖本.doc

    An Introduction to Master Tung's Acupuncture:


    Edited by Dr. Chuan-Min Wang, D.C., L.Ac.

    Master Tung (1916 - 1975)

    Dr. Chuan-Min Wang received Tung's certification on 05/30/1974

    Master Tung Ching Chang has been referred to as The Greatest Acupuncture Master who ever lived. He was a traditional Chinese physician from the Shandong Province in Northern China, famous for the miraculous and spontaneous results he would obtain using just a few needles. The points he used are unique in that they are located opposite the affected area. In most cases, the patient notices the effect immediately upon insertion of the needle.

    Master Tung's Points were a treasured family secret, handed down and refined over many generations. He moved to Taiwan on 1949. From 1953-1975, there were over 40,000 patient visits in his clinic in Taipei. Master Tung also began to teach his secret point system in Taipei. He chose all his students, 73, by himself and no any charge. Dr. Chuan-Min Wang is one of the 73 students.

    董師景昌先生(1916-1975) ,山東省平度縣人,係當代的針灸大師之一。以用針精簡,療效宏偉稱著於世。自一九四九年先生遷台後,至一九七五年,以其十世秘傳的針灸絕學,懸壼濟世,看診病人達四十萬人次。並於一九七三年八月出版《董氏針灸正經奇穴學》中文本,將其十世秘傳公諸於世。其間廣收弟子,免費教授,必要時更供宿食。一九七五年,董師仙逝,卜葬於陽明山第一公墓,由入門的七十三位弟子恭立墓碑,以享千秋。

    When Master Tung died in 1975, he left behind his point book and his legacy. His book published in Chinese firstly in August 1973. Then Dr. Palden Carson, one of his students, translated to English as "Tung's Acupuncture" and published in December 1973. Dr. Carson added his experience and re-edited it and published as "Tung's Orthodox Acupuncture" in 1988 Master Tung's another student, Dr. Wei-Chieh Young, wrote the " Tung's Acupuncture and Clinical Application" (in Chinese) in 1980 (up to 1992, 12th edition). Up to now, this book is very helpful for people who wants to learn Tung's Acupuncture by himself. Dr. Young now is the most famous Tung's Acupuncture instructor in USA. Dr. Young Wei Chieh's " Tung's Acupucnture" (English edition) already published in 2005 ) ......
