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    Operative Report

    Operation date: Dec-19-2000.

    Pre-op diagnosis: Vehicle accident injury, hypovolemic shock, severe laceration of right foot, rupture of lateral supporting structure on right knee joint, fracture of pelvis and left acetabulum with dislocation of left hip joint.

    Post-op diagnosis: Same as above.

    Operation done: Close reduction and supracondylar bone traction. Debridement, skin implantation in situ on right foot. Exploration, reconstruction of ruptured lateral supporting structure on right knee joint.

    Surgeons: 施培华A指导、方向前R、陈德金R .

    Anesthesia done: General anesthesia.

    Anesthesiologists: 周大春、鲍军明.


    1. 患者麻醉实施成功后取平卧位,采用手法复位左髋关节脱位。

    2. 依次用灭菌软皂溶液、生理盐水、双氧水和稀释PVP-I溶液冲洗右足创口、创缘,然后常规消毒、铺巾。

    3. 作右足清创,见右足严重撕脱伤,足背斜形裂口,创缘两侧皮肤各脱套5cm以上;足底自中部裂伤,后半部分连同足跟完全脱套;足内侧皮肤支离破碎,足部肌腱等均裸露,软组织明显污染。清创、冲洗后,将皮瓣修成全厚,并打孔后缝合,并予以打包,包敷。

    4. 右下肢充气止血带充至0.07mpa,作右大腿下段和膝外侧切口,切开皮肤、皮下组织即见髂胫束撕裂,组织严重肿胀、淤血,探查见外侧副韧带、股二头肌肌腱止点连同腓骨小头部分骨片完全撕脱;腓肠肌外侧头完全断裂,上胫腓关节已脱位、失去稳定性,腓总神经尚连续。冲洗后,将上胫腓关节复位,用1枚松质骨螺钉固定,松止血带,冲洗、止血后,修复、重建外侧支持带结构。

    5. 冲洗、止血,放置引流管后,逐层缝合切口,予以包敷。

    6. 在左股骨髁上自外向内攻入1枚斯氏针作骨钉牵引。

    7. 术程顺利,术后返ICU进一步监护。

