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    浙江大学医学院附属第一医院风湿免疫科 (杭

    州, 310003) 2)

    浙江省杭州市第三人民医院骨科 (310009)

    通讯作者: 韩咏梅, E - mail : yihan67679@1631com

    论 著

    文章编号: 1005 - 2194 (2005) 12 - 1072 - 03






    朱 红2)

    【摘 要 】 目的 探讨环磷酰胺 (CTX) 冲击治疗对难治性成人斯蒂尔病 (AOS D) 的疗效及安全性。方法

    对浙江大学医学院附属第一医院风湿免疫科 1998~2003年收治 11例难治性 AOS D患者进行 CTX冲击治疗 ,用量为 500~750 mg/m2。观察治疗前后患者的临床表现和实验室指标的变化。结果 11例难治性 AOS D患者

    经首次 CTX冲击治疗后 , 72 h内体温恢复正常者 9例 , 其余 2例体温于 1周内恢复正常; 其中 5例患者于首次

    CTX冲击治疗后第 9天、第 10天、第 11天、第 13天出现体温再次升高 , 经第 2次 CTX冲击治疗后体温恢复

    正常。与治疗前相比 , 首次 CTX冲击治疗后 1周 , 血 C反应蛋白 (CRP) 即显著下降 ( P < 01001) ; 首次 CTX

    冲击治疗后 2周、4周、3个月时血沉 ( ESR)、血 CRP、血白细胞计数 (WBC) 均显著下降 ( P < 01001)。所

    有患者经治疗后 , 肾上腺糖皮质激素剂量均能顺利减至较安全范围内。治疗过程中 , 4例患者出现恶心、呕

    吐 , 未见其他严重不良反应。结论 CTX冲击疗法对此 11例难治性 AOS D有效且未见严重不良反应。

    【关键词 】 Still病 成年型 环磷酰胺 冲击疗法

    中图分类号: R5 文献标识码: A

    Pulse cyclophospham ide therapy for refractory adult - on set Stillp s d isea se . Han Yongm ei


    , L i Yongwei ,Sun Deben, et al .


    Depart m ent of Rheum atology, the Fir stAff iliated Hospital , College ofM edicine, Zhejiang Univer sity,Hangzhou 310003, China

    Abstract Objecti ve To study the efficacy and safety of pulse cycl ophos phamide (CTX) therapy for refract ory adult -

    onset Stillp s disease (AOS D) . Methods Eleven patients with refract ory AOS D received the treat ment of intravenous

    pulse cycl ophos phamide with 500~750 mg/m2

    body surface area . The features of clinicalmanifestati ons and lab findings

    before and after the treat mentwere compared . The literatures associated with pulse CTX therapywere reviewed . Results

    After the first ti me of pulse CTX therapy, nine cases returned body temperature t o normal within 72 hours, and the

    other t wo within 1week . Fever relap se was seen in five patients after the first ti me of pulse CTX therapy, and they re2

    turned body temperature t o persistent normal after the second ti me of pulse CTX therapy . At the point of 1 week after the

    first ti me of pulse CTX therapy, serum C - reactive p r otein (CRP) significantly decreased when compared with that be2

    fore treat ment ( P < 01001) ; there were significant differences bet ween those at the points of 2 weeks、4 weeks、3

    months after the first ti me of CTX therapy and those before treat ment in erythrocyte sedi mentati on rate ( ESR)、serum

    CRP and white bl ood cell count (WBC) ( P < 01001) . Of all the eleven patients, the dosages of glucocorticoid were

    decreased t o relatively safe dose successfully after treat ment . The most common side effects seen in these eleven patients

    included nausea and vomiting (4 /11) , but no other severe side effects occurred . Conclusi on Pulse CTX therapy is

    effective in these eleven refract ory AOS D patients . No severe adverse reacti on occurred in these patients .

    Key words Stillp s disease, adult - onset Cycl ophos phamide Pulse therapy

    近年来 , 国内外学者反复探求对难治性成人斯蒂尔病

    (AOS D) 安全有效的治疗方案 , 但均不甚理想。我院于

    1998~2003年对 11例难治性 AOS D患者进行了环磷酰胺

    (CTX) 冲击治疗 , 并均已随访 6个月以上 , 病情均完全

    缓解且未见复发 , 现报道如下。

    1 资料与方法

    111 入选标准 入选病例均为浙江大学医学院附属第一

    医院 1998~2003年的住院患者 ......
