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    阿托品在X 线诊断输尿管阴性小结石中


    韦章诚, 张昌伟

    (攀枝花市中西医结合医院, 四川 攀枝花 617000)

    【摘要】 目的 探讨低张松弛药物阿托品在大剂量静脉肾盂造影( int ravenous pyelogrophy, IV P)中输尿管阴性小

    结石的表现规律, 提高其诊断价值。方法 100 例中, 按先后顺序随机分为对照组48 例和观察组52 例, 对照组直接采用

    大剂量 IV P, 观察组肌注阿托品后再行大剂量 IV P, 分别对两组输尿管阴性结石患者阳性率进行诊断对比分析。结果

    对照组中, 诊断阴性结石19 例, 与临床排石或手术证实的符合率为39158%; 观察组中, 诊断阴性结石38 例, 与临床诊断

    符合率为73. 07% ,两者差异有统计学意义(V


    = 111424, P = 01001)。结论 运用阿托品后, 结合临床表现, 仔细分析影

    像学改变, 大剂量 IV P 对输尿管阴性小结石可做出准确诊断或提示性诊断, 提高了X 线检查的阳性率。

    【关键词】 输尿管阴性结石; 静脉肾盂造影; 阿托品; 对比分析

    【中图分类号】 R81617 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 167223511 (2006) 0420496202

    Appl ica t ion of a trop ine in sma ll nega t ive uretera l ca lcul i detected

    by in travenous pyelogrophy

    WEI Zhang-cheng, ZHANG Chang-we i

    (D ep artm ent of R ad iology , Ch inese and W estern M ed ical H osp ital of P anz h ihua, P anz h ihua S ichuan 617000, Ch ina)

    Abstract Object ive To evaluate the value of at rop ine in diagno sis of small negat ive ureteral calculi by means of

    large do se of int ravenous pyelography ( IV P). Methods 100 pat ients w ho had been clinically def init ized w ith negat ive

    ureteral calculiw ere divided into two group s at random, in w hom 48 cases used IV P direct ly, and the o thers did it befo re

    int ramuscular inject ion of at rop ine . The different X2ray signs and po sit ive f inding rate w ere comparat ively analysed .

    Results 73. 07% (38? 52) cases w ith at rop ine adm inist rat ion w ere diagno sed having negat ive calculi by their special X2

    ray signs and the results w ere co incident to clinical results o r operat ive f indings . How ever in the cont ro l group, only

    39158% (19? 48) cases w ere ident icalw ith clinical o r operat ive f indings . Therew as signif icant difference in the detect ion

    rate betw een the two group s (V


    = 14. 69, P < 0. 05). Conclus ion IV P w ith at rop ine inject ion is an ideal method to

    diagno se small negat ive ureteral calculi because it can raise detect ion rate and accurate rate of diagno sis .

    【Key words】 N egat ive ureteral calculi ; Int ravenous pyelography; A t rop ine; Cont rast analysis

    输尿管结石是泌尿系最常见的疾病之一, 它是由

    上部尿路结石下行而来 ......
