第1页 |
3 CAPRIE Steering Committee1A randomized ,blinded , t rial of clopi2
dogrel versus aspirin in patients at risk of ischemic events ( CA2
PRIE) 1Lancet ,1996 ,348 :1 329
4 Krishna J ,Rocha S ,Janiece T et al1Combined glycoprotein IIb/ IIIa
receptor inhibition and low2dose fibrinolysis for peripheral arterial
thrombosis1Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions ,2002 ,55 (4) :457
5 Matias J ,Ferro JM ,Alvarez J et al1Comparison of t riflusal and as2
pirin for prevention of vascular events in patients after cerebral in2
farction :the TACIP Study : a randomized , double2blind ,multicenter
t rial1St roke ,2003 ,34 (4) :840
6 Neagu M ,Manda G,Constantin C et al1The in vit ro effect of a low
molecular weight heparin , nadroparin ( Fraxiparine) ,on leukocytes
obtained f rom patients with vascular diseases1Int2Angiol ,2001 , 20
(2) :164
7 肖丽萍,滕文兰,陈 恺 等 1 低分子肝素加华法林对 TIA 病人
的近期疗效观察1脑与神经疾病杂志,2002 ,10 (4) :218
8 Kottkamp H ,Hindricks G,Breithardt G1Role of anticoagulant ther2
apy in at rial fibrillation1J Cardiovasc Elect rophysiol ,1998 ,9 (8 Sup2
pl) :S86
9 Clagett GP1Antithrombotic therapy for lower ext remity bypass1J
Vasc Surg ,1992 ,15 :873
10 Johnson WC ,Williford WO1Benefits ,morbidity ,and mortality asso2
ciated with long2term administ ration of oral anticoagulant therapy to
patients with peripheral arterial bypass procedures : a prospective
randomized study1J Vasc Surg ,2002 ,35 (3) :413
(编校:程国洲 收稿:2003 - 05 - 15)
100071 北京 军医学院门诊部 孙震鹏 刘 伟 刘春艳 张继军
关键词:精索静脉曲张;不育症 中国图书分类号:R 697 +
. 24 ,R 698 +
. 2
谢产物反流、温度变化等[1 ]
机制。综合近几年来的文献 ,我们对其影响部位和
1 影响睾丸
动物实验研究表明 ,精索静脉曲张时睾丸组织
中脂质过氧化物(L PO)含量升高 ,损伤睾丸生精细
胞和亚细胞膜 ,致其功能障碍[2 ] ......
dogrel versus aspirin in patients at risk of ischemic events ( CA2
PRIE) 1Lancet ,1996 ,348 :1 329
4 Krishna J ,Rocha S ,Janiece T et al1Combined glycoprotein IIb/ IIIa
receptor inhibition and low2dose fibrinolysis for peripheral arterial
thrombosis1Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions ,2002 ,55 (4) :457
5 Matias J ,Ferro JM ,Alvarez J et al1Comparison of t riflusal and as2
pirin for prevention of vascular events in patients after cerebral in2
farction :the TACIP Study : a randomized , double2blind ,multicenter
t rial1St roke ,2003 ,34 (4) :840
6 Neagu M ,Manda G,Constantin C et al1The in vit ro effect of a low
molecular weight heparin , nadroparin ( Fraxiparine) ,on leukocytes
obtained f rom patients with vascular diseases1Int2Angiol ,2001 , 20
(2) :164
7 肖丽萍,滕文兰,陈 恺 等 1 低分子肝素加华法林对 TIA 病人
的近期疗效观察1脑与神经疾病杂志,2002 ,10 (4) :218
8 Kottkamp H ,Hindricks G,Breithardt G1Role of anticoagulant ther2
apy in at rial fibrillation1J Cardiovasc Elect rophysiol ,1998 ,9 (8 Sup2
pl) :S86
9 Clagett GP1Antithrombotic therapy for lower ext remity bypass1J
Vasc Surg ,1992 ,15 :873
10 Johnson WC ,Williford WO1Benefits ,morbidity ,and mortality asso2
ciated with long2term administ ration of oral anticoagulant therapy to
patients with peripheral arterial bypass procedures : a prospective
randomized study1J Vasc Surg ,2002 ,35 (3) :413
(编校:程国洲 收稿:2003 - 05 - 15)
100071 北京 军医学院门诊部 孙震鹏 刘 伟 刘春艳 张继军
关键词:精索静脉曲张;不育症 中国图书分类号:R 697 +
. 24 ,R 698 +
. 2
谢产物反流、温度变化等[1 ]
机制。综合近几年来的文献 ,我们对其影响部位和
1 影响睾丸
动物实验研究表明 ,精索静脉曲张时睾丸组织
中脂质过氧化物(L PO)含量升高 ,损伤睾丸生精细
胞和亚细胞膜 ,致其功能障碍[2 ] ......