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    收稿日期:2003212219 修回日期:2004208209



    李桂琼 综述 陈庆伟 审校

    (重庆医科大学附属第二医院老年病科 , 重庆 400010)

    Advances in Research of Cardiogenic

    Shock After Acute Myocardial Infarction

    LI Gui2qiong , CHEN Qing2wei

    ( Department of Geriatrics , the Second Aff iliated Hospital of Chongqing University of Medical Sciences , Chongqing 400010 , China)

    文章编号:100423934 (2005) 0120099204 中图分类号:R543. 3 +

    1 文献标识码:A

    摘要: 心源性休克是急性心肌梗死的严重并发症 ,是引起急性心肌梗死患者死亡的主要原因 ......
