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第56页 |
白 白
求 求
恩 恩
国 国
际 际
和 和
平 平
医 医
院 院
病 病
理 理
科 科
December 1, 2008 December 1, 2008
Lianjun Lianjun Yang ( Yang (杨连君 杨连君) )
Department of Pathology, Department of Pathology,Bethune International Peace Hospital Bethune International Peace Hospital2 2
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理
?When pathologic When pathologic
diagnosis is not diagnosis is not
compitable compitable with with
the others, for the others, for
example PET, example PET,Pathology is Pathology is
golden standard. golden standard.3 3
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理
Key Diagnosis in Key Time Key Diagnosis in Key Time
?One of the most crucial tasks of a One of the most crucial tasks of a
pathologist is the performance and pathologist is the performance and
interpretation of the frozen section. interpretation of the frozen section.
?The Pathologists are treated as real The Pathologists are treated as real
“ “doctors doctors” ” during operation. during operation.
?It It’ ’s related to the lives of the patients, s related to the lives of the patients,pathologists and surgeons. pathologists and surgeons.4 4
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理
Intraoperative Intraoperative pathologic pathologic
diagnosis diagnosis5 5
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理6 6
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理7 7
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理8 8
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理
Intraoperative Intraoperative Emergency Pathology Emergency Pathology
? Microscopic examination of frozen fresh tissue Microscopic examination of frozen fresh tissue
? fresh tissue diagnosis fresh tissue diagnosis
? Quick section Quick section
? Cryogenic sectioning Cryogenic sectioning
? frozen section (FS) frozen section (FS)
? intraoperative intraoperative frozen frozen- -section section
? Intraoperative Intraoperative pathologic diagnosis pathologic diagnosis
? frozen section diagnosis frozen section diagnosis
? Frozen Section Biopsy Frozen Section Biopsy
? intraoperative intraoperative consultation consultation
? Intraoperative Intraoperative Frozen Section Diagnosis Frozen Section Diagnosis
? Intraoperative Intraoperative pathology consultation pathology consultation
? 冷冻切片 冷冻切片
? 手术中快速病理诊断 手术中快速病理诊断
? 冰冻病理诊断 冰冻病理诊断
? 术中快速病理 术中快速病理
? 术中快速 术中快速9 9
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理
History of History of Intraoperative Intraoperative
Frozen Section Frozen Section
?CO2 CO2
?semiconductor semiconductor
?Cytostat Cytostat (low (low
temperature temperature
constant cold) constant cold)10 10
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理
?William Welch of the Johns William Welch of the Johns
Hopkins School of Medicine Hopkins School of Medicine
from America was the first from America was the first
pathologist to perform frozen pathologist to perform frozen
section diagnosis. section diagnosis.11 11
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理
?In 1891, the eminent surgeon William In 1891, the eminent surgeon William
Halsted sent a breast biopsy for Halsted sent a breast biopsy for
intraoperative intraoperative examination to Welch, who examination to Welch, who ......
求 求
恩 恩
国 国
际 际
和 和
平 平
医 医
院 院
病 病
理 理
科 科
December 1, 2008 December 1, 2008
Lianjun Lianjun Yang ( Yang (杨连君 杨连君) )
Department of Pathology, Department of Pathology,Bethune International Peace Hospital Bethune International Peace Hospital2 2
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理
?When pathologic When pathologic
diagnosis is not diagnosis is not
compitable compitable with with
the others, for the others, for
example PET, example PET,Pathology is Pathology is
golden standard. golden standard.3 3
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理
Key Diagnosis in Key Time Key Diagnosis in Key Time
?One of the most crucial tasks of a One of the most crucial tasks of a
pathologist is the performance and pathologist is the performance and
interpretation of the frozen section. interpretation of the frozen section.
?The Pathologists are treated as real The Pathologists are treated as real
“ “doctors doctors” ” during operation. during operation.
?It It’ ’s related to the lives of the patients, s related to the lives of the patients,pathologists and surgeons. pathologists and surgeons.4 4
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理
Intraoperative Intraoperative pathologic pathologic
diagnosis diagnosis5 5
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理6 6
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理7 7
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理8 8
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理
Intraoperative Intraoperative Emergency Pathology Emergency Pathology
? Microscopic examination of frozen fresh tissue Microscopic examination of frozen fresh tissue
? fresh tissue diagnosis fresh tissue diagnosis
? Quick section Quick section
? Cryogenic sectioning Cryogenic sectioning
? frozen section (FS) frozen section (FS)
? intraoperative intraoperative frozen frozen- -section section
? Intraoperative Intraoperative pathologic diagnosis pathologic diagnosis
? frozen section diagnosis frozen section diagnosis
? Frozen Section Biopsy Frozen Section Biopsy
? intraoperative intraoperative consultation consultation
? Intraoperative Intraoperative Frozen Section Diagnosis Frozen Section Diagnosis
? Intraoperative Intraoperative pathology consultation pathology consultation
? 冷冻切片 冷冻切片
? 手术中快速病理诊断 手术中快速病理诊断
? 冰冻病理诊断 冰冻病理诊断
? 术中快速病理 术中快速病理
? 术中快速 术中快速9 9
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理
History of History of Intraoperative Intraoperative
Frozen Section Frozen Section
?CO2 CO2
?semiconductor semiconductor
?Cytostat Cytostat (low (low
temperature temperature
constant cold) constant cold)10 10
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理
?William Welch of the Johns William Welch of the Johns
Hopkins School of Medicine Hopkins School of Medicine
from America was the first from America was the first
pathologist to perform frozen pathologist to perform frozen
section diagnosis. section diagnosis.11 11
杨连君 杨连君讲 讲病理 病理
?In 1891, the eminent surgeon William In 1891, the eminent surgeon William
Halsted sent a breast biopsy for Halsted sent a breast biopsy for
intraoperative intraoperative examination to Welch, who examination to Welch, who ......