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情景会话See a Doctor看病(3)
http://www.100md.com 2009年7月20日 《现代护理报》 2009.07.20
     Doctor:Come in,Mr.Papa.




    Doctor:I’m sorry,the appointment is for Mr.Papa…


    Cousin:Mr.Papa is my cousin.Uh,he does not speak Eng1ish yet.So I come along to explain for him.




    Cousin:Uh,but you must understand,my English is not so good either and…


    Doctor:I’m sure we’ll have no trouble at a11.Right,now,what seems to be the problem?


    Cousin:Uh,he says he feels dizzy in the head.


    Doctor:Right.Well,we’ll just have a look.Uh,sir,has he been a bit off colour lately?

    医生:对。好,我们只是要看一看。唔,先生,他近来是不是精神有点不好(身体有些不舒服)?, 百拇医药