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http://www.100md.com 2010年6月15日 韩文婷 胡西厚

     〔摘 要〕知识管理已被作为一种新的管理概念应用于高校管理中,有效地促进了高校知识运作与共享,高等医学院校作为具有专业针对性的学校,其知识运作与共享的现状不能满足社会对医学知识的需求,将知识管理应用于医学院校的管理中意义重大。本文阐述了医学院校应用知识管理的重要性,提出了知识管理的目标,分析了目前实施知识管理中遇到的障碍,构建了适合医学院校发展的知识管理体系。



    〔中图分类号〕G251 〔文献标识码〕B 〔文章编号〕1008-0821(2010)12-0087-03

    Study on the Application of Knowledge Management in Medical CollegesHan Wenting Hu Xihou

    (College of Health Management,Binzhou Medical University,Yantai 264003,China)

    〔Abstract〕Knowledge management has been applied to university and college management as a new management concept,which effectively promotes the knowledge operation and sharing of university and college.The medical college is a professional college.At present,the knowledge operation and sharing status can not satisfy the medicine knowledge demand of society.So it is of great significance to apply knowledge management to medical colleges.This paper presented the importance of the knowledge management application in the medical colleges,proposed the goal of knowledge management,analysed the current barriers of knowledge management application,constructed the knowledge management system benefiting the development of medical colleges.

    〔Keywords〕knowledge management;medical colleges;knowledge sharing


    1 知识管理在高等医学院校管理中的重要作用

    1.1 医学模式转变和信息技术发展促进了知识管理在高等医学院校中的应用随着经济社会和人类生存环境的不断变化,人类疾病谱发生变化,对疾病过程认识的不断深化,传统的生物医学模式已向生物——心理——社会医学模式转变,为现代医学赋予了更丰富的内涵 ......
