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http://www.100md.com 2011年1月15日 《北方文学·下旬》


    go to one's head 使某人自高自大

    have rocks in one's head 判断力欠佳的

    keep one's head 保持镇静

    Head up! 注意头上!


    all ears聚精会神地听

    a flea in one's ear 刺耳的话


    one's eyes are bigger than one's stomach/belly 眼大肚子小

    one's eyes pop out 瞠目结舌

    give someone the eye 注视着某人

    make eyes at 向 (异性) 抛媚眼


    a pain in the neck 讨厌的人或事物

    break one's neck尽全力去做某事

    breathe down one's neck 严密监督某人

    neck and neck 势均力敌


    a pat/slap on the back赞扬

    behind one's back背地里

    get off one's back 不再批评某人


    a shot in the arm兴奋剂 ......

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