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循证医学在疾病预后中的应用 .doc








    ? 定性 (会发生什么结果?)

    ? 定量 (可能性有多大?)

    ? 时间性(多久会发生?)

    1.预后 (Prognosis)



    对疾病未来情况作出客观估计与判断, 使预测结果尽可能接近病人实际结果

    2.预后因素(Prognostic factors)

    Sometimes the characteristics of a particular patient can be used to more accurately predict that patient's eventual outcome, these characteristics are called "prognosis factors"



    * 考虑患者关注和期望

    * 使用最佳证据

    * 结合临床专业知识

    * 解决实际问题


    1 提出临床预后问题(病人或医生)

    2 检索证据

    3 评价预后证据的真实性

    4 判断临床意义和统计学意义(重要性)

    5 回答临床问题(实用性)




    一位76岁退休女教师。因进行性记忆力减退3年,伴激越、偏执1年, 认知障碍1月就诊于精神科门诊。标化精神现状检查(SMMS)18分(满分30),查体正常,神经系统阴性,排除各种致老年痴呆的病因后,诊断阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease)。家属提出有关患者预后问题,死于痴呆的可能性是多少?什么时候会发生?



    证据来源: 1. 教科书


    1.Clinical Evidence

    (the BMJ Publishing Group and the American College of Physicians 1999 年第一次出版)

    2. Evidence-Based on Call (CD)

    3.Harrison's textbooks(CD)


    ? Evidence-based Medicine Reviews (EBMR)


    ? The Cochrane Library(CL)

    (www.update.cochrane.couk; WWW.updateusa.com)

    ? Best Evidence (BE)


    ? MEDLINE(www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov;

    www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PubMed; www.biomednet.com )

    1 Clinical Medicin

    "In ulcerative colitis the risk of carcinoma of the colon in a patient who has had total colitis for more than 10 years is much greater than it is for the general population" ( p.220)

    3. Harrison's CD

    It has been estimated that with pancolitis there is a risk of cancer of 12% at 15 years, 23% at 20 years, and 42% at 24 years, although estimates in community practices have been lower, with the probability that colon cancer will develop in patients with pancolitis being 10% at 26 years.



    高级搜索(advanced search)

    关键词 "ulcerative colitis AND neoplasm AND cohort studies"--------243篇文献

    检索 Medline CD-ROM

    "Alzheimer's Disease"


    1 研究样本的定义是否明确?具有代表性吗?


    2 随访时间是否足够?随访了全部病人吗?

    3 采用了客观的预后指标 ......
