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前顶 Qianding(GV21)
http://www.100md.com 中医养生堂




    The channel originates in the lower part of the abdomen below the umbilicus, makes its downward way through the perineum, then ascends along the middle of the spinal column, and reaches Fengfu(DU16) at the back of the neck where it enters the brain. I1 continues to ascend from Fengfu(DU16), along the midline of the head and passing the vertex, forehead, columella of the nose and the upper lip, then to Yinjiao(DU28).

    The branches from this channel connect with the kidney and travel through the heart.


    Location:On the head,3.5 cun directly above the midpoint of the anterior hairline and 1.5 cun anterior to Baihui(DU20).

    Indications:Epilepsy,dizziness and lightheadedness,pain in the vertex ,rhinorrhea with turbid discharge.

    Method: Puncture subcutaneously 0.3-0.5 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.

    Regional anatomy

    Vasculature: The anastomotic network formed by the right and left superficial temporal arteries and veins.

    Innervation: On the communicating site of the branch of the frontal nerve with the branch of the great occipital nerve.

    The lung Meridian picture of Qianding(GV21) Acupoint

    Body surface picture of Qianding(GV21)Acupoint

    Anatomy picture of Qianding(GV21) Acupoint

    Section picture of Qianding(GV21) Acupoint, http://www.100md.com