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http://www.100md.com 2002年5月25日 新药网

    (福建医科大学附属第二医院 ,泉州362000)

    [摘要] 目的:研究云南灯盏花注射液治疗脑梗塞的临床疗效。方法:86例发病5d以内的脑梗塞患者,随机分为灯盏花组46例,对照组40例,疗程14d。进行临床症状、体征、脑血流量、血脂、血液流变学等方面观察及检测。结果:灯盏花组总有效率93.3%,对照组61.5%,经Ridit分析,P<0.05。灯盏花组治疗后脑血流量、血液流变学指标均有明显改善,有性显著性差异。而对照组不明显。结论:说明灯盏花注射液可以改善脑血流量及血液流变学临床症状、体征。有效治疗脑梗塞

    [关键词] 脑梗塞,灯盏花注射液,临床研究

    [Abstract] Objective to study the clinical therapeutic effectiveness of fleabane injection for cerebral infartion. Methods 86 cases of cerebral infavetion patievts, occourved within 5 days, were randomly divided into fleabane group with 46 cases and dentran control group with 40 cases. The coures of treatment was 14 days, then the clinical symptoms and signs were observed, cerebral blood flow, blood lipid and blood rheology measured. Results The total effective rate was 93.3% in fleabane group, while,61.5% in control group (Ridit analysis, P<0.05). In fleabane group, the cerebral blood flow, blood rheolog and other indexs had obvious improvement ofter treatment, otherwise in control group. there was a significant difference. Conclusion Fleabane injection can improve cerebral bolld flow, blood rheology, clinical symptoins and signs, It is effective for cerebral infarction.

    [Key words] Cerebral infarction;Fleabane injection;Clinical study


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