(复旦大学附属华山医院 , 上海 200040)
[摘要] 近年来等效试验越来越普及,其目的是为了证实两种治疗效果的相等。本文以溶栓药物的临床实验为例,说明在优效试验,等效试验及非差试验中疗效相等的基本概念。
[关键词] 优效试验,等效试验,非差试验,溶栓治疗
The general concepts of an equivalence and its application to
clinical trials of thrombolytic therapy
XI Yue-wen, WANG Qian, FAN Wei-hu
(Huashan Hospital Affilisted to FuDan University, Shanghai, 200040)
[Abstract] Nowadays equivalence trials have gained popularity. The intention of an equivalence trial is to show that two treatment have about the same therapeutic effect. This article take thrombolytic therapy as examples to clarify ideas and to interpret the general concepts of an equivalence in a superiority trial,a equivalence trial and a non-inferiority trial.
[Key words] superiority trial; equivalence trial; non-inferiority trial; thrombolytic therapy
, http://www.100md.com
(复旦大学附属华山医院 , 上海 200040)
[摘要] 近年来等效试验越来越普及,其目的是为了证实两种治疗效果的相等。本文以溶栓药物的临床实验为例,说明在优效试验,等效试验及非差试验中疗效相等的基本概念。
[关键词] 优效试验,等效试验,非差试验,溶栓治疗
The general concepts of an equivalence and its application to
clinical trials of thrombolytic therapy
XI Yue-wen, WANG Qian, FAN Wei-hu
(Huashan Hospital Affilisted to FuDan University, Shanghai, 200040)
[Abstract] Nowadays equivalence trials have gained popularity. The intention of an equivalence trial is to show that two treatment have about the same therapeutic effect. This article take thrombolytic therapy as examples to clarify ideas and to interpret the general concepts of an equivalence in a superiority trial,a equivalence trial and a non-inferiority trial.
[Key words] superiority trial; equivalence trial; non-inferiority trial; thrombolytic therapy
, http://www.100md.com