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http://www.100md.com 2003年9月26日 好医生

    (a) 抗干扰性,如何适应手术室复杂的环境以及因此产生的伪差。

    (b) 神经系统的复杂性,其控制机理尚未能完全搞清,无法从理论角度来验证BIS、SEF等脑电参数的意义。以及与此相关的临床镇静深度问题。目前的研究仅仅停留在临床实践水平。

    (c) 全麻药物的确切药理机理和作用部位尚无完全的定论,有些药物的作用与BIS、SEF的变化趋势并不相同。各种类药物之间存在相当的差异。
, 百拇医药




, 百拇医药
    1、Liu J, Singh H, White PFElectroencephalographic bispectral index correlates with intraoperative recall and depth of propofol-induced sedation.Anesth Analg 1997 Jan;84(1):185-9

    2、Kearse LA Jr, Rosow C, Zaslavsky A, Connors P, Dershwitz M, Denman WBispectral analysis of the electroencephalogram predicts conscious processing of information during propofol sedation and hypnosis. Anesthesiology 1998 Jan;88(1):25-34

    3、Glass PS, Bloom M, Kearse L, Rosow C, Sebel P, Manberg PBispectral analysis measures sedation and memory effects of propofol, midazolam, isoflurane, and alfentanil in healthy volunteers. Anesthesiology 1997 Apr;86(4):836-47
, 百拇医药
    4、Kearse LA Jr, Manberg P, Chamoun N, deBros F, Zaslavsky ABispectral analysis of the electroencephalogram correlates with patient movement to skin incision during propofol/nitrous oxide anesthesia. Anesthesiology 1994 Dec;81(6):1365-70

    5、Kearse LA Jr, Manberg P, DeBros F, Chamoun N, Sinai VBispectral analysis of the electroencephalogram during induction of anesthesia may predict hemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy and intubation. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1994 Mar;90(3):194-200
, 百拇医药
    6、Kearse LA Jr, Rosow C, Zaslavsky A, Connors P, Dershwitz M, Denman WBispectral analysis of the electroencephalogram predicts conscious processing of information during propofol sedation and hypnosis. Anesthesiology 1998 Jan;88(1):25-34

    7、Glass PS, Bloom M, Kearse L, Rosow C, Sebel P, Manberg PBispectral analysis measures sedation and memory effects of propofol, midazolam, isoflurane, and alfentanil in healthy volunteers. Anesthesiology 1997 Apr;86(4):836-47, http://www.100md.com(沈浩)
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