1.FiocchiC Strong SA. West GA et al: Inflammatory boml disease: progress in pathogenesis Can J Gastroenlerol l993;7(2):110一113
, 百拇医药
2.刘彤华、潘国宗、麦灿荣等:克隆氏病III:克隆氏病与肠结核的鉴别诊断中华内科杂 志1981; 20(4);211一213
4.潘国宗:克隆病的诊断与鉴别 中华消化杂志 1993; 13(6):372
5.Harrey RF, Bradshow JM:A simple index of Crohn's disease activity Lancet 1980, 1: (8167):514
6.Bayless TM:Crohn's disease of the small boweI ln Bayless ed,Current therapy in gastroenterology and liver disease BC Pecker INC & CV Mosby company l984;233一235
, 百拇医药
7.Thomas GA: Controlled trial of antibuberculous chemotherapy in Crohn's disease; a five year follow up study。 Gut l998;42: 479一500
8.Egan LI. Sandbom WJ Tremaine WJ: Clinical outcome following treatment of refractory inflammotory and fistulizing Crohn's disease with intrevenous cyclosporine Am. J. Gaslroenlerol l998;93:442一448
9.Derk B. Taminian J Radema S 6t al. Tumous一necrosis一factor antibody treatment in Crohn's disease,Lancet l993;342: 173一174
, 百拇医药
10.Kam LY. Targan SR. Cytokine一based therapies in inflammatory bowcl disease Current Opinion in gastroenterology l999;15(4):302一307
11.TarganSR, Hanouer SB, van Deventer SJ H, et al:A Short term study of Chimeric monoclonal antibody cA2 to turnour necrosis factor and for Crohn's disease N Eng1.J Med l997;337:1029一1035
12.Strong SA, Fazio VW: Surgical treatment of inflammatory bowel disease Current opinion of gastroeaterology l999,15(4);326一330
, 百拇医药
13.Lautenbach E, Berlin JA, Lichtenstein GR:Risk factors for ear1y postoperative recurrence of Crohns' disease Gastroenterology l998;115:259一267
14.Hanauer SB, Medical therapy for Crohn、disease Current opinion in gastroenterology l999;15(4):308一314
15.Hanauer SB, Meyers S: ACG draft quidlines management of Crohn's disease in adults.Practice parameters resource mannal l996;59一64, 百拇医药
1.FiocchiC Strong SA. West GA et al: Inflammatory boml disease: progress in pathogenesis Can J Gastroenlerol l993;7(2):110一113
, 百拇医药
2.刘彤华、潘国宗、麦灿荣等:克隆氏病III:克隆氏病与肠结核的鉴别诊断中华内科杂 志1981; 20(4);211一213
4.潘国宗:克隆病的诊断与鉴别 中华消化杂志 1993; 13(6):372
5.Harrey RF, Bradshow JM:A simple index of Crohn's disease activity Lancet 1980, 1: (8167):514
6.Bayless TM:Crohn's disease of the small boweI ln Bayless ed,Current therapy in gastroenterology and liver disease BC Pecker INC & CV Mosby company l984;233一235
, 百拇医药
7.Thomas GA: Controlled trial of antibuberculous chemotherapy in Crohn's disease; a five year follow up study。 Gut l998;42: 479一500
8.Egan LI. Sandbom WJ Tremaine WJ: Clinical outcome following treatment of refractory inflammotory and fistulizing Crohn's disease with intrevenous cyclosporine Am. J. Gaslroenlerol l998;93:442一448
9.Derk B. Taminian J Radema S 6t al. Tumous一necrosis一factor antibody treatment in Crohn's disease,Lancet l993;342: 173一174
, 百拇医药
10.Kam LY. Targan SR. Cytokine一based therapies in inflammatory bowcl disease Current Opinion in gastroenterology l999;15(4):302一307
11.TarganSR, Hanouer SB, van Deventer SJ H, et al:A Short term study of Chimeric monoclonal antibody cA2 to turnour necrosis factor and for Crohn's disease N Eng1.J Med l997;337:1029一1035
12.Strong SA, Fazio VW: Surgical treatment of inflammatory bowel disease Current opinion of gastroeaterology l999,15(4);326一330
, 百拇医药
13.Lautenbach E, Berlin JA, Lichtenstein GR:Risk factors for ear1y postoperative recurrence of Crohns' disease Gastroenterology l998;115:259一267
14.Hanauer SB, Medical therapy for Crohn、disease Current opinion in gastroenterology l999;15(4):308一314
15.Hanauer SB, Meyers S: ACG draft quidlines management of Crohn's disease in adults.Practice parameters resource mannal l996;59一64, 百拇医药