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http://www.100md.com 2003年9月30日
     The graft response to transplantation: a gene expression profile analysis

    Kenneth Christopher1; Thomas F. Mueller1; Rachel DeFina1; Yurong Liang1; Jianhua Zhang2; Robert Gentleman2 and David L. Perkins1

    Physiol. Genomics 15: 52-64, 2003;

    1 Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School

    2 Biostatistics Unit, Department of Biostatistical Science, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115

    Little is known regarding the graft response to transplantation injury. This study investigates the posttransplantation response of genes that are constitutively expressed in the heart. Constitutive heart and lymph node tissue-restricted gene expression was first analyzed with DNA microarrays. To demonstrate changes following transplantation in genes constitutively expressed in the heart, we performed vascularized murine heart transplants in allogeneic (BALB/c to B6), syngeneic (B6 to B6), and alymphoid (BALB/c-RAG2-/- to B6-RAG1-/-) experimental groups. Temporal induction of genes posttransplant relative to constitutive expression was evaluated with DNA microarrays. Dendrograms and self-organizing maps were generated to determine the dissimilarity between the experimental groups and to identify subsets of differentially expressed genes within the groups, respectively. Expression patterns of selected genes were confirmed by real-time PCR. Biological processes were assigned to genes induced posttransplant using the AnnBuilder package via the Gene Ontology Database. Post-transplant, a shift was noted in genes classified as defense, communication, and metabolism. Our results identify novel components of the graft response to transplantation injury and rejection. , http://www.100md.com