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a sToRy oF CInnaBaR
http://www.100md.com 2004年1月3日 中药在线
     A story of cinnabar

    In ancient China, most people were very superstitious.

    They didn’t visit a doctor but went for a necromancer when

    they were sick. At that time the doctors couldn’t treat mania

    and withdrawal but the necromancer did. So, people preferred

    the necromancer to doctor.

    There lived a scholar who also was familiar with medicine.
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    He thought carefully about the necromancer, “They just draw

    magic figures and intoned chant. How can they treat disease?

    There must be something in it.” So he had a plan with his

    wife to find the secret of the necromancer.

    One day, the scholar’s wife went for a necromancer and

    told him that her husband had been caught mania.
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    The necromancer went to the scholar’s house immediately.

    With hair in disarray and face in dust, the scholar was

    mentally deranged and crying out, “Aha, I’m from the heaven

    to expel the evils for you ……”

    Seeing that the scholar was mad, the necromancer lighted a

    fire and was ready to expel evils. He placed a bowl of water
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    on the table, took out a magic figures drawn beforehand, and

    started to intone chant. After intoning chant, he was to light

    the magic figures.

    Just at the moment, the scholar jumped out of his bed suddenly

    and kicked the necromancer out of the door. When the

    necromancer got up from the ground, the door had been locked.
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    He had to go back dejected.

    The scholar took a mouthful of water, but it was tasteless

    and was just pure water. He then picked up the magic figures.

    It was a piece of paper with a figure. “Both of the water and

    paper do not treat disease. Why?” The scholar looked at them

    again and again. At last, he noticed that the figures had been
, 百拇医药
    drawn with the cinnabar. “Can it be that the cinnabar treats

    the disease?”

    The scholar took a patient with mania to his house the

    second day and made him take the water with cinnabar in it.

    Several days later, the patient was cured really. It was not

    the necromancer who could treat mania by expelling the evils
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    but the cinnabar did. So the cinnabar had been the medication

    for treating mania since then.

    The cinnabar has the actions of tranquilizing the mind and

    clearing heat and toxins. It is applicable for infantile

    convulsion and epilepsy, irritability and insomnia due to

    exuberant heart-fire, and sore throat and canker sores of

    mouth and tongue due to sthenic fire and heart-toxin., http://www.100md.com