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http://www.100md.com 2004年8月6日
     精子移植的一项新应用有可能被用来恢复濒危的大麻哈鱼的种群数量,以及用于有重要商业价值的鱼类的生产。新的应用以北美虹鳟鱼(Oncorhynchus mykiss)作为供体,以马苏大麻哈鱼(Oncorhynchus masou)(仅在东亚发现)作为受体。供体细胞为原始精子细胞,能够发育成雄性配子或雌性配子。该新技术能由受体培育出健康的供体个体来,从而能加快供体(即虹鳟鱼)的生产,这种鱼在自然条件下每两年才产卵一次。

    Biotechnology: Surrogate broodstock produces salmonids

    A worldwide decline in the number of wild salmonids calls for strategies to restore endangered populations. Here we show that germ cells can be transplanted between two different salmonid species, with the subsequent production of xenogenic, donor-derived offspring. This pioneering xenotransplantation technology may eventually find applications in facilitating the production of commercially valuable fish, as well as in species conservation.
, 百拇医药

    Figure 1 Colonization, proliferation and germline transmission of donor-derived trout germ cells transplanted into salmon embryos. a, Colonization by transplanted germ cells (arrowheads), labelled with green fluorescent protein (GFP), of a recipient's gonad (arrow) at 30 days post-transplantation. b, Donor-derived oocytes in a recipient-salmon ovary (arrowheads). Yolk-containing oocytes show yellowish-green autofluorescence (arrow). c, Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis of late hatchlings (lanes 1–5) and early hatchlings (lanes 6,7). Genomic DNAs from masu salmon (lane 8) and rainbow trout (lane 9) are included as controls. d, Excised genital ridge of an early hatchling, showing GFP-expressing germ cells. Scale bars: a, d, 100 µm; b, 400 µm.

, 百拇医药

    Figure 2 Five-month-old trout juvenile produced from masu salmon surrogate sperm, derived from trout-donor germ cells.

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, 百拇医药