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http://www.100md.com 2004年8月20日
     生物谷报道 日前,在接受手术将一块牙齿碎片植入眼睛后,一位失明多年的妇女得以重见光明,第一次看到了她的孩子和外孙们。

    42岁的Judith Smith在15岁的时候,因为一种罕见的对癫痫药物的反应而失去了视力。一个星期前,英国布赖顿的Sussex眼科医院的大夫Christopher Liu为她进行了长达7个半小时的手术,将她牙齿根部的一块碎片植入她的眼睛,加强其受损的光筒。



    Judith's fight for sight
, 百拇医药
    A blind Teesside woman's battle to regain her sight could end up with her seeing life through an eyelid.

    Redcar gran-of-four Judith Smith's hopes of seeing her children and grandchildren for the first time have been repeatedly dashed because infections keep scuppering proposed surgery.

    The amazing operation - first detailed in the Gazette in 2001 - involves inserting a shaving of Judith's tooth into her eye, which acts as part of a mechanism to help her see again.
, 百拇医药
    But because Judith's eye kept getting infected, and the mechanism must be inserted into a "clean" eye, doctors have been forced to rethink.

    To keep infections out, Judith, who has no left eye and almost no vision in her right, has had her right eyelids sealed up.

    When the tooth mechanism is inserted in the next few weeks, her eyelids will be opened before being sealed up again. And if all has gone well, she will be able to see for the first time since she lost her sight as a 15-year-old, after a rare reaction to epilepsy medication.
, http://www.100md.com
    Only this time she's likely to be viewing the world through a hole in her eyelid.

    Judith, 42, of West Dyke Road, Redcar, said: "I couldn't believe it when they told me what they were planning to do.

    "They'll pull back my top eyelid, put the mechanism in the eye and seal the lid back over. Then they'll either put a hole in the eyelid or split it, and I'll see through that. I know it can work. I'm in touch with a man from Manchester who was the first person to have it done, and while he's still a bit shaky going out on his own, he can see now and even read a newspaper.
, 百拇医药
    "It gives me hope that it could work for me."

    This is another remarkable twist in a saga which has seen Judith's hopes continually built up and dashed.

    But there may yet be another delay. The tooth shaving, which is currently lodged beneath Judith's left eye so it can infuse tissue, may now be too old for use.

    If that's the case, another shaving would have to be taken, delaying things by months.
, 百拇医药
    But whatever happens, Judith is keeping positive.

    She said: "When things kept going wrong, I got very down, but the way I look at it now is that if it works, fantastic - if it doesn't, then life goes on.

    "There were times I felt like giving up, but I know that if I hadn't gone for this, it would always have been 'if only.'

    "My friends and family have been so supportive and people on the street who read it in the Gazette have patted me on the back and wished me well."
, http://www.100md.com
    No-one is more amazed than Judith herself at the complexity of the proposed operation.

    And if all goes to plan, she has certain aims for her future.

    She said: "Obviously, the main thing I want is to be able to see my grandchildren and kids, but after that I've got three aims - to learn to drive in a Bentley, to do a parachute jump and get on the computer to educate myself.

    "And even if it doesn't work, I may do them all anyway!"

    The operation is due to be carried out at the Sussex Eye Hospital, Brighton. Judith's consultant surgeon, Dr Christopher Liu, was unavailable for comment today., http://www.100md.com