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http://www.100md.com 《广西中医药》 1999年第0期

    单位:内蒙古四子王旗蛇皮正骨医院 011800 中国内蒙古四子王旗


    广西中医药99zk25 50 Cases of Compression Fracture of Lumbar Vertebra Treated

    with Rolling Therapy

    Zhang Xiao

    Inner Mongolia, China 011800

    50 cases were treated mainly with the rolling therapy, together with the paste compress and oral administration to promoting Qi and blood circulation to stop pain. The rolling maneuver was manipulated by compressing the simple vertebral body. Holding the patients scapula with one hand and buttock with the other, the doctor rolled his body to the opposite side forcefully. A cushion of cotton was put under the patients pain spot and traction of pelvis was applied for reposition. Then an assistant stood faced to the doctor, holding the shoulder and buttock of the patient and the doctor supported the lumbar vertebra of fracture with his palms and rolled the body to the opposite side. 49 cases showed to have good fracture union by the X-ray examination after the 12-week treatment. One-year follow-up observation also proved the positive recovery for these 49 cases.
, 百拇医药
    Key Words: compression fracture lumbar vertebra; rolling therapy


    1 临床资料


    2 治疗方法

, 百拇医药




    3 治疗结果


    4 体会


    1999-09-25收稿, 百拇医药