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http://www.100md.com 1997年1月15日 《世界华人消化杂志》 1997年第1期
     1南京医科大学公共卫生学院 江苏省南京市 210029 中国

    2江苏省卫生防疫站 防疫科 江苏省南京市 210009 中国


    Epidemiological statocellulaudy on the etiologic synergistic interaction of HCV and HBV in the development of hepar carcinoma

    Jing Shen1, Yao-Chu Xu1, Zhan Gao2, Ju-Ying Niu1, How-Bing Shenl and Fen-Fa Yel1School of Public Health, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029 Jiangsu Province, China.

    2Department of Epidemiology, Jiangsu Public Health Center, Nanjing 210009, Jiangsu Province, China.

    Dr. Jing Shen, Lecturer in Epidemiology, having 40 papers published.

    Supported by National Science Foundation of China (No. 3870808)

    Correspondence to Dr Jing.Shen

    Tel. 0086-25-6527613

    Received 1st August 1996.


    AIM To investigate the gathogenetic role of anti-HCV and HBV in HCC and evaluate the synergistic interaction of anti-HCV with HBsAg.

    METHODS During 1989 and 1992, 140HCC cases and 247 controls were obtained from Qi-Dong and Tai-Xing. They detected anti-HCV and HBV markers, and analysed the OR and PAR by unconditional ligostic regression. ......

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