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Computer analysis of small-intestinal interdigestive myoelectric complex in dogs*
http://www.100md.com 1997年12月15日 《世界华人消化杂志》 1997年第12期
     Nanjing Railway Medical College, Nanjing 210009, China

    Dr. YANG De-Zhi, male, born on 1940-01-20 in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, graduated from Nanjing Railway Medical College in 1964, Vice-director of the department and associate professor or physiology, majoring digestive physiology, having 20 papers published.

    Tel: +86·25·4718826

    *The project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 3870577)

    Correspondence to Dr. YANG De-Zhi

    Received 1997-03-19 Revised 1997-04-20

    Subject headings intestine, small/physiology; myoelectric complex, migrating; digestion


    AIM To study the characteristics of intestinal interdigestive myoelectric complex in dogs.

    METHODS Intestine IMC cycle was studied by computer quantitatively in the duodenum and jejunum of 14 dogs.

    RESULTS The numbers of spike bursts(SB), action potential(AP), average AP in each spike burst and the time in each phase were analyzed. The differences of the parameters between the duodenum and jejunum were observed. ......

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