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http://www.100md.com 1999年1月15日 《世界华人消化杂志》 1999年第1期
     1镇江医学院解剖学教研室 江苏省镇江市 212001

    2上海医科大学解剖学教研室 上海市 200032

    3南京医科大学生理学教研室 江苏省南京市 210029

    赵建平,男,1960-12-15生,江苏省武进市人,汉族. 1997年上海医科大学解剖学博士,副教授,主要从事神经解剖研究,发表论文8篇.



    *Supported by the Doctors' Foundation from the Educational Committee of China, No.9506195.
, http://www.100md.com
    Correspondence to
Dr. Jian-Ping Zhao, Department of Anatomy, Zhenjiang Medical College, 3 Yizhenglu,Zhenjiang 212001, Jiangsu Province, China

    Tel. +86·511·5025834 Ext. 2158

    收稿日期 1998-07-06

    Axon reflex-mediated increase in gastric mucosal blood flow induced by electric

    stimulation of intercostal nerve in rats
, 百拇医药
    Jian-Ping Zhao1, Yu-Wen Peng2, Cai-Dong Liu2 and Dong-Sheng Li3

    1Department of Anatomy, Zhenjiang Medical College, Zhenjiang 212001, Jiangsu Province, China

    2Department of Anatomy, Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai 200032, China

    3Department of Physiology, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029, Jiangsu Province, China
, 百拇医药

    AIM To investigate whether electric stimulation of the intercostal nerve can regulate gastric mucosal blood flow (GMBF) via axon reflex based on dichotomizing branches of the peripheral processes of the spinal ganglia in rats.

    METHODS In 10 rats, the left T10 or T11 intercostal nerves and its roots were cut, and GMBF was measured by hydrogen gas clearance technique before and after electric stimulation (at strength 12V, pulse duration 0.2ms, frequency 40Hz for 2min-3min) delivered to the proximal cut end of the intercostal nerve.
, 百拇医药
    RESULTS The mean value (656mL·min-1·kg-1±177mL·min-1·kg-1) of GMBF after electrical stimulation increased significantly as compared with that (495mL·min-1·kg-1±132mL·min-1·kg-1) of GMBF before (P<0.01).

    CONCLUSION Axon reflex mediates increase in GMBF induced by electric stimulation of the intercostal nerve in rats.
, 百拇医药
    Subject headings gastric mucosa; electrical stimulation; intercostal nerve; electrophysiology

    Zhao JP, Peng YW, Liu CD, Li DS. Axon reflexmediated increase in gastric mucosal blood flow induced by electric stimulation of intercostal nerve in rats.Shijie Huaren Xiaohua Zazhi, 1999;7(1):8-9



目的 观察电刺激大鼠肋间神经能否通过脊神经节细胞周围突分支上的轴突反射调节胃粘膜血流(GMBF).
, 百拇医药
    方法 切断大鼠(10只)左侧T10或T11肋间神经及其神经根,用氢气清除法测定电刺激(刺激强度12V,波宽0.2ms,频率40Hz,刺激时间2min~3min)肋间神经近侧断端前后的GMBF量.

    结果 GMBF量电刺激后(656mL·min-1·kg-1±177mL·min-1·kg-1)比电刺激前(495mL·min-1·kg-1±132mL·min-1·kg-1)有显著性增加(P<0.01).

    结论 轴突反射介导电刺激大鼠肋间神经引起的胃粘膜血流增加.

    主题词 胃粘膜生理学;电刺激;肋间神经;电生理学
, 百拇医药
    赵建平, 彭裕文, 刘才栋, 李栋生.轴突反射介导电刺激大鼠肋间神经引起的胃粘膜血流增加.世界华人消化杂志,1999;7(1):8-9

    0 引言

    在针刺治疗胃部疾病的外周神经机制的实验研究中,已证实大鼠含降钙素基因相关肽(calcitonin gene-related peptide, CGRP)和(或)一氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)的脊神经节细胞周围突向肋间神经和胃分支投射[1]. 胃壁CGRP免疫反应阳性神经纤维紧密围绕在粘膜下层和固有层小血管周围,神经冲动可从脊神经节细胞周围突行走在肋间神经中的分支,经周围突分叉处传导到行走于内脏大神经中的分支[2]. 在此基础上,我们应用电生理技术结合氢气清除法,进一步观察了电刺激大鼠肋间神经能否通过脊神经节细胞周围突分支介导的轴突反射调节胃粘膜血流(gastric mucosal blood flow, GMBF).
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    1 材料和方法

    ♂ Sprague-Dawley大鼠10只,体重180g~220g. 200g/L乌拉坦腹腔内麻醉后,用PE-250管气管插管用于自动呼吸和吸入30mL/L氢气;打开椎管,切断左侧T9~T12肋间神经前、后根,胸腔外分离同侧T10或T11肋间神经干,在距相连脊神经节10mm~15mm处切断神经干,将肋间神经近侧断端置于双极银丝刺激电极上;打开腹腔暴露胃,将铂金丝电极插入胃窦或胃体前壁粘膜基底部,另一参照电极置于腹腔内. 以上操作完成后动物平衡40min~60min,用氢气清除法[3]先测刺激前GMBF,电刺激(刺激强度12V,波宽0.2ms,频率40Hz)肋间神经近侧断端2min~3min后,再测刺激后GMBF. 实验中用加热光源维持大鼠肛温37℃左右,一侧股静脉插管连续输入生理盐水,以防脱水. 测定数据用配对t检验进行统计学处理.
, 百拇医药
    2 结果


    表1 电刺激大鼠肋间神经前后GMBF的变化(mL·min-1·kg-1)

, http://www.100md.com
    bP<0.01,vs 刺激前.

    3 讨论

    电刺激大鼠切断相应神经根的T10或T11肋间神经近侧断端,可显著增加GMBF. 这种效应的机制迄今虽不十分清楚,但结合作者等的先期实验结果[2],我们认为,电刺激大鼠切断相应神经根的T10或T11肋间神经诱发的神经冲动,从脊神经节细胞周围突行走在肋间神经中的分支传入至周围突分叉处,随行走在内脏大神经中以A-δ纤维为主的分布于胃等内脏器官或终止于腹腔神经节的周围突侧枝传出,这种神经冲动传导途径可介导电刺激肋间神经增加GMBF的效应. 又因为肾上腺素能和胆碱能神经不参与刺激感觉神经引起GMBF增加的作用[4,5],可以排除电刺激肋间神经引发的神经冲动、从脊神经节细胞周围突的肋间神经分支传导至终止在腹腔神经节的周围突侧枝、经交感节后神经通路影响GMBF的可能性. 所以,我们进一步认为,电刺激肋间神经引发的神经冲动、从脊神经节细胞周围突在肋间神经中的分支传导至分布于胃的另一分支,并使该分支末梢释放某种或某些化学物质、直接或间接地引起GMBF增加.
, 百拇医药
    虽已证实,大鼠周围突向肋间神经和腹腔内脏分支分布的脊神经节细胞含SP,CCK,CGRP和(或)NO,但迄今未见CCK从感觉神经纤维外周末梢释放及CCK参与GMBF调节的报道. SP虽可从感觉神经纤维外周末梢释放,但在大鼠从胃初级传入神经释放的SP不但没有增加GMBF的作用[6],反而抑制刺激感觉神经引起的大鼠胃粘膜充血[7]. 由此,作者排除上述轴突反射过程中通过释放CCK或SP来介导电刺激肋间神经增加GMBF的效应. 根据CGRP或(和)NO存在于周围突向肋间神经和胃分支投射的大鼠脊神经节细胞、胃壁CGRP免疫反应阳性感觉神经纤维紧密围绕在粘膜下层和固有层小血管周围、大鼠胃感觉神经末梢能释放CGRP增加GMBF、释放CGRP增加GMBF的大鼠胃感觉神经纤维只存在于脊神经中[8]、来自大鼠感觉神经的NO可促进传入神经纤维兴奋和释放CGRP[9]等可推测,轴突反射介导电刺激大鼠肋间神经增加胃粘膜血流的作用可能是通过释放CGRP和(或)NO产生的.
, 百拇医药
    4 参考文献

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    3 Livingston EH, Reedy T, Leung FW, Guth PH. Computerized curve fitting in the analysis of hydrogen gas clearance curves.

    Am J Physiol, 1989;257(4 pt 1):G669-G671
, 百拇医药
    4 Holzer P, Livingston EH, Guth PH. Sensory neurons signal for an increase in rat gastric mucosal blood flow in the face of pending

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    5 Holzer P, Lippe IT. Gastric mucosal hyperemia due to acid backdiffusion depends on splanchnic nerve activity. Am J Physiol,1992;262(3 pt 1):G505-G508

    6 Holzer P, Guth PH. Neuropeptide control of rat gastric mucosal blood flow. Increase by calcitonin gene-related peptide and
, 百拇医药
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    7 Grnbech JE, Lacy ER. Substance P attenuates gastric mucosal hyperemia after stimulation of sensory neurons in the rat

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    8 Raybould HE, Sternini C, Eysselein VE, Yoneda M, Holzer P. Selective ablation of spinal afferent neurons containing CGRP

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    9 王宪,吴中欣,唐跃明,韩启德. 一氧化氮和前列腺素在内毒素引起降钙素基因相关肽释放中的作用. 生理学报,1996;48:218-220, 百拇医药(赵建平 彭裕文 刘才栋 李栋生)