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固相杂交检测HCV RNA PCR产物方法的建立
http://www.100md.com 1999年7月15日 《世界华人消化杂志》 1999年第7期
     北京军区总医院普外科实验室 北京市 100700

    王凤水,男,1963-10-15生,江苏省徐州市人,汉族. 1986苏州医学院毕业. 1995年北京医科大学肝病学硕士,主治医师,讲师,1998年入北京军区总医院普外科,主要从事传染病学,分子病毒学及肿瘤实验诊断方面的研究,发表论文10篇.

王凤水, 100700,北京市东城区东四南门仓5号,北京军区总医院普外科实验室.

    Correspondence to Feng-Shui Wang, Laboratory of General Surgery, Chinese PLA Beijing General Hospital, Beijing 100700, China

    Tel. +86·10·66721077

    Email. walterw@public2.east.net.cn

    收稿日期 1999-02-05 接收日期 1999-03-28

    Solid phase hybridization detection of HCV RNA PCR products

    Feng-Shui Wang1, Yu Wang2, Shi-Yong Li1, Ping An1, Bo Yu1 and Bai-Fang Feng2

    1Department of General Surgery, Chinese PLA Beijing General Hospital, Beijing 100700, China

    2Institute of Hepatology, Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100044, China



    AIM To establish a simple, rapid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based DNA amplification technique for detecting HCV RNA PCR products.

    METHODS For detecting HCV RNA, the primer labeled with biotin was used to amplify viral gene fragment. The 1st PCR product complemently hybridized with the specific probe covalently coupled onto microplate wells. Streptavidine-POD was used in colorimetric detection. ......

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