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http://www.100md.com 1999年8月15日 《世界华人消化杂志》 1999年第8期
     上海中医药大学 1生物教研室 2肝病研究所 上海市 200032




    Supported by the National Natural Science Youth Foundation of China, No.39700192

    Correspondence to
Xiao-Ling Wang, Biology Department of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology, 530 Lingling Road, Shanghai 200032

    Tel. +86·21·64174600 Ext 424, Fax. +86·21·64036889

    Email. Liuliver@online.sh.cn

    收稿日期 1999-04-15

    Effects of coordination of FZHY decoction on functions of hepatocytes and hepatic satellate cells

    Xiao-Ling Wang1, Ping Liu2, Cheng-Hai Liu2 and Cheng Liu2

    Biology Department of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology, Shanghai 200032


    AIM To investigate the pharmacological mechanism of the coordination of herbs in FZHY decoction concerned in chronic hepatic diseases. ......

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