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http://www.100md.com 2001年3月15日 《世界华人消化杂志》 2001年第3期
     1中国人民解放军第四军医大学基因诊断研究所 陕西省西安市 710033

    2西安市中心医院消化内科 陕西省西安市 710003

    徐俊荣,女,1970-02-15生,陕西省西安市人,汉族. 1993年西安医科大学临床医学系本科毕业,1998年至今就读于第四军医大学研究生课程班,主要从事幽门螺杆菌的研究, 发表论文3篇.

徐俊荣,710033, 陕西省西安市, 中国人民解放军第四军医大学基因诊断研究所.

    1Institute of Genetic Diagnosis, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an 710033, Shaanxi Province, China

    2Department of Gastroenterology, Xi'an Municipal Centre Hospital, Xi'an 710003, Shaanxi Province, China

    Correspondence to
Jun-Rong Xu, Institute of Genetic Diagnosis, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an 710033,Shaanxi Province, China

    Tel. 0086-29-7251180

    Email. xujunrong@netease.com

    Received 2000-11-15 Accepted 2000-11-16

    Cloning and sequence analysis of Helicobacter pylori ureC

    Jun-Rong Xu1, Li Zhang2, Xiao-Jun Yan1, Da-Xiang Cui1, Hong Jiang1 and Feng-Chan Han1


    AIM To construct a recombinant clone of Helicobacter pylori (Hp) ureC, a fragment from Hp ureC was cloned and sequenced. So as to lay the foundation for expressing recombinant protein of Hp ureC and for further studing its functions. ......

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