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http://www.100md.com 2001年3月15日 《世界华人消化杂志》 2001年第3期
     中国人民解放军第四军医大学全军基因诊断研究所 陕西省西安市 710033

    张菊,女,1965-05-23生,河北省衡水市人,汉族. 1986年第四军医大学毕业,1992年第四军医大学临床分子生物学硕士,1998年第四军医大学分子生物学博士,主治医师,讲师,主要从事临床分子生物学研究,发表论文10篇.


    Chinese PLA, Institute of Gene Diagnosis, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an 710033, Shaanxi Province, China

    Correspondence to
Dr. Ju Zhang, Institute of Gene Diagnosis, Fourth Military Medical University, 17 Changle West Road,Xi'an 710033, Shaanxi Province, China

    Tel. 00869-3374771

    Email. Juzhs@263.net

    Received 2000-11-13 Accepted 2000-11-16


    Cloning and expression of HPV16 L2 DNA from esophageal carcinoma in E. coli

    Ju Zhang, Xiao-Jun Yan, Quan-Jian Yan, Jie Duan, Yu Hou and Cheng-Zhi Su



    AIM To acquire the HPV16 L2 conservative antigen DNA from tissues of esophageal carcinoma infected with human papillomavirus by PCR using special primers, and to sequence the subjective DNA by cloning into vector of pGEM-3zf(-) and express L2 conservative antigen DNA in E.coli, and assay its immunoreaction with polyclone antibody or patients' sera. ......

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