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树 鼠句 肝细胞的分离和培养
http://www.100md.com 2001年6月15日 《世界华人消化杂志》 2001年第6期
     1中国人民解放军174医院传染科 福建省厦门市 361003

    2中国人民解放军第三军医大学西南医院感染科 重庆市 400038

    3中国人民解放军520医院传染科 绵阳市

    闵峰,男,1970-10-03,安徽省无为县人,汉族. 硕士,主治医师,主要从事肝炎病毒细胞培养方面的研究,发表论文10篇.

    本课题受国家自然科学基金资助, No.39670672.


    1Department of Infectious Disease, The 174 Hospital of PLA, Xiamen 361003, Fujian Province, China

    2Department of Infectious Disease, Southwest Hospital, The Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038, China

    3Department of Infectious Disease, The 520 Hospital of PLA, Mianyang, China

    Supported by the National Natural Science Fundation of China, No.39670672.

    Correspondence to:
Dr. Feng Min, Department of Infectious Disease, The 174 Hospital of Chinese PLA,Xiamen 361003, Fujian Province, China

    Tel. 0086-592-2074135

    Received 2001-01-08 Accepted 2001-01-11

    Isolation and culture of Tupaia hepatocytes

    Feng Min1, Fei Hao2, Bing Liu3, Guo-Dong Liu2, Ji-Ming Huang2 and Tian-Lun Jiang2 ......

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