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http://www.100md.com 2003年10月31日
     The human genome

    Click on the highlighted chromosomes to access their research papers.Chromosome 1Chromosome 2Chromosome 3Chromosome 4Chromosome 5Chromosome 6Chromosome 7Chromosome 8Chromosome 9Chromosome 10Chromosome 11Chromosome 12Chromosome 13Chromosome 14Chromosome 15Chromosome 16Chromosome 17Chromosome 18Chromosome 19Chromosome 20Chromosome 21Chromosome 22X ChromosomeY Chromosomefeaturesarchive

    NEWS FEATURE The rough guide to the genome free

    A new effort to map human genetic variation should provide a shortcut for researchers trying to uncover the roots of disease. Carina Dennis profiles the 'HapMap' project.

    Nature 425, 758 - 759 (23 October 2003)

    FEATUREA vision for the future of genomics research free

    Francis S. Collins, Eric D. Green, Alan E. Guttmacher & Mark S. Guyer

    Nature 422, 835 - 847 (2003)

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