当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》 > 2000年第4期
http://www.100md.com 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》 2000年第4期
     河南省开封空分(集团)有限公司医院(475002) 郑玉红 王文洁

    [摘 要]目的:寻求促进骨烧伤愈合的治疗方法。方法:用高 速牙钻于患骨表面行钻孔术,然后继续应用MEBO治疗。结果:35例骨烧伤患者创面于术后5周~7周愈合,完好地保留了患指(趾)长度,免除了截指(趾)手术。结论:MEBO与高速牙钻钻孔结合可提高烧伤骨的愈合率,能最大限度保存患指(趾),一般不发生继发感染等并发症。

    [关键词] 湿润烧伤膏 骨烧伤 高速牙钻

    MEBO in Combination with High Speed Dental Drill for Treating 35 Cases of Expose d Bone Burn wounds Zheng Yuhong, Wang Wenjie Hospital of the Kon gfen (Group) Co., Ltd. Kaifeng, Henan Province 475002

    [Abstract]Objective: To find a method to promote bone burn wound hea ling. Method: Drilling through the surface of the injured bone, followed by application of MEBO. Result: 35 cases healed in 5-7 weeks post operation. The injured fingers (toes) were preserved with its original length. Conclusion: MEBO in combination with high speed dental drill drilling can raise the healing rate of bone bur n wounds and preserve the fingers (toes) without secondary infection.

    [Key words]MEBO Bone burn wound High speed dental drill

    1994~1997年 ......

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