北京军区总医院(100700) 张继光内容摘要 我科门诊自1997年2月至9月,半年来共收治中小面积烧(烫)伤病人75例,因创面处理及时正确,缩短了病人的康复时间,减轻了病人痛苦。我们感到在处理创面在早期应在未发生休克之前(6小时内)以简易清创为好,在面积不大于20%者早期应用冷水淋洗或浸泡以减轻烧伤深度,减少病人痛苦,愈早愈好,过晚无效。清创后多敷湿润烧伤膏(1毫米),千万不要过厚,本组遇到外来病人因用湿润烧伤膏过厚,多日不换药以致感染加重,经充分清创后改用浅层涂药(1毫米),充分暴露才控制了感染,很快愈合。故好药还要应用正确用药方法,否则,便有利为有害,应引为教训。
关键词 烧伤 中小面积 门诊治疗
Experience in Treating 75 Outpatients with Middle and Small Area Burn Zhang Jiguang, General Hospital, Beijing Military Region, PLA 010070
Abstract 75 outpatients with middle and small area burn were treated. The patients healed very quickly because the treatment was very timely and was conducted in a proper way.The author suggested that the wounds should be treated early before shock stage (within 6 hours post burn). Simple debriedement is advised. Wound area smaller than 20%TBSA can be rinsed with cold water or soaked in water to prevent wound deepening and relieve pain. This should be done as early as possible. After debriedement, MEBO was applied to 1 mm thick then the wounds should be completely exposed. In this way, wound healing can be promoted. .MEBO applied thicker than 1 mm is harmful to prevention of infections. Misuse of MEBO will affect its efficacy and produce bad results. ......
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