浅谈美比欧疤痕平在增生性疤痕 与疤痕预防的临床应用
宁夏石嘴山市第一人民医院(753200) 李传吉 闫红梅 胡建武 李俊[摘 要] 目的:阐明美比欧疤痕平,在疤痕预防和治疗的方法。方法:临床对各类深度烧伤初愈病人和疤痕形成病人,分别制定出疗程,按设计的方法进行正规疗程应用美比欧疤痕平。结果:凡能坚持正确方法,正规疗程用药、预防和治疗增生性疤痕,将能收到良好效果。一般不需手术整形,大大降低了大面积深度烧伤的致残率。结论:深度烧伤愈合创面,应用美比欧疤痕平预防和治疗增生性疤痕,应列为常规治疗。临床应大力提倡。
[关键词] 增生性疤痕 美比欧疤痕平 预防治疗
Clinical Application of MEBO Scar Lotion in Treating and Preventing Hyperplastic Scar Li Chuanji, Yan Hongmei, Hu Jianwu, et al.(The 1st People's Hospital, Shizuishan City,Ningxia Autonomous Region 753200)
[Abstract] Objective: To illustrate the method of applying MEBO Scar Lotion for preventing and treating scars. Method: MEBO Scar Lotion was applied according to the standard method for treating patients had different depth of burn but healed recently. Results: The preventing and treating effects were very satisfactory, no plastic surgery was needed. The disablement rate was greatly reduced for those with large area deep burn. Conclusion: MEBO Scar Lotion should become a drug for treating and preventing hyperplastic scars and is worthy to be popularized. ......
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