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皮瓣内微血管过氧化物酶组织化学 染色方法的实验研究
http://www.100md.com 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》 1998年第3期
     广东医学院整形外科研究所(524001) 梁 杰 郝新光

    内容摘要 本文选S-D大白鼠鼠背皮瓣为材料,对内源性过氧化物酶染色显示微血管的方法进行实验研究。结果以10%缓冲甲醛(PH7.2-7.4)在4℃固定6-12小时,冰冻切片40um,联苯胺液显示微血管效果最好,该方法不需灌注,对血管无扩张,破裂作用,无人为改变,可用于皮瓣微血管形态学研究和定量分析。

    关键词 皮瓣 内源性过氧化物酶 微血管染色

    Microvascular Network Architecture in the Skin Flap Shown by Peroxidase Histochemical Staining Technique Liang Jie, et al. Plastic surgery research Institute of Guangdong Meidcal College, Zhangjiang 542401

    Abstract The histochemical staining of endogeneous peroxidase in red cell within blood vessels was used to show the microvascular network architecture of the dorsa skin flap of S-D rats. The best result was obtained when tissue specimens were fixed in 10% buffer formalin at 4oC, for 6 to 12 hours and made into 40 micron frozen sections and then stained with DAB-NiCl. This method can be used quantitatively or semi-quantitatively to evaluate blood circulation in tissues or organs, through measuring the density of their microvascular bed without artificial errors, such as dilation and rupture of blood vessels resulted from perfusion. This method can be used in the study of blood circulation and microvascular morphology of skin flap. ......

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