福建省龙岩市第一医院(364000) 邓斌民 黄 岩[摘 要]目的:进一步了解儿童烧伤早期诱发抽搐的原因。方法:对过去10年内(1990年1月~1999年12月)所治疗的562例5岁以下烧伤患儿的病历资料进行回顾性调查;对发生过抽搐的病历资料进行归纳分析。结果:伤后48小时内发生抽搐者34例(6.05%);他们的主要诱因为水与电解质平衡失调、低钠血症居首位(22/34),其次为高热、高钠及低蛋白血症。结论:儿童烧伤休克期易发生抽搐,主要原因为水与电解质平衡失调。
[关键词]儿童烧伤 休克 抽搐
An Analysis of the Causes of Convulsion at Shock Stage of Pediatric Burn Deng Binmin, Huan Yan. The First Hospital of Longyan City, Fujian Province 364000
[Abstract]Objective: To further investigate the causes of convulsion at the early stage of pediatric burn. Method:The data of 562 cases of pediatric burn (below 5 years old) treated from 1990 to 1999 were analyzed. Results: 34 cases (6.05%) had convulsion at 48 hour post injury. Hyponatremia due to waterelectrolyte imbalance was the leading cause (22/34) and followed by high fever, hypernatremia and hypoproteinemia. Conclusion: Waterelectrolyte imbalance was the main cause of convulsion.
[Key words]Pediatric burn Shock Convulsion
我院从1990年1月至1999年12月 ......
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