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http://www.100md.com 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》 1998年第3期
     上海市中医医院(200071) 张 骏 赵 坚 指导 须德高

    内容摘要 报道治疗因煤气泄漏爆炸烧伤病员7例,经应用MEBT技术积极救治,其中6例于伤后17天痊愈出院,另一例特重伤员也于伤后30天康复出院。作者认为:应严格按照MEBT/MEBO要求进行规范治疗,正确处理生命体征、休克、感染、脏器功能和创面的辨证关系。同时,不能忽视外科营养在烧伤治疗过程中的重要作用,它是创面修复的物质保证。

    关键词 煤气泄漏 烧伤 MEBT/MEBO 外科营养

    Experience in Treating Patients Burned in Accidental Gas Leakage in Group Zhang Jun, et al. Shanghai Municipal Hospital of Chinese Medicine 200071

    Abstract Seven patients burned in an accident of gas leakage were treated with MEBT/MEBO. 6 of them healed in 17 days, one of the most severely burned healed in 30 days. No death and no disablement. The authors emphasized the importance of the application of MEBT/MEBO according to the standard method and the dialectical relation between physical signs, shock, infections, organ function and wound condition. The authors also stressed the importance of nutrition support in the course of the treatment.

    Key words Gas leakage MEBT/MEBO nutrition

    1997年9月7日上午7时许 ......

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