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http://www.100md.com 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》 2000年第1期
     河南洛阳钢铁集团公司医院(471023) 李志刚 黄合超 郭甜菊

    [摘 要] 目的:克服常规方法治疗粉尘爆炸复合烧伤的繁杂程序、处置带来的痛苦。方法:采用MEBO外涂及特制带刃不锈钢压舌板反复多次刮除液化物及创面粉尘,共治疗24例。结果:嵌于创面的粉尘异物随液化物分期分批清除,加速创面愈合,无瘢痕形成,亦无外伤性纹身形成。结论:利用MEBT/MEBO治疗粉尘爆炸复合烧伤,可彻底清除创面粉尘,消除粉尘残留给患者身心造成的损害。且方法简便易行,无痛苦,具有传统治疗方法无法替代的作用。

    [关键词] MEBT/MEBO 粉尘 爆炸复合烧伤

    MEBO for Treating Compound Burn Injury by Dust Explosion Li Zhigang, Hang Hechao, Guo Tianju Hospital of Luoyang Iron and Steel (Group) Corporation, Henan Province 471023

    [Abstract]Objective: To avoid pains caused by the complicated procedure of the conventional therapy in treating compound dust explosion burn injury. Method: MEBO was applied externally and a specially made stainless steel spatula with knife edge was used to remove repeatedly the residual dust on the wounds and the liquefaction product. Results: 24 cases were healed. Residual dust and liquefaction product were removed in batches and wound healing was accelerated. No scar and no traumatic tattoo formed. Conclusion: MEBO is an ideal remedy for treating compound burn injury by dust explosion. It helps to remove residual dust thoroughly from the wounds and thus the psychosomatic injury of the patient is avoided. It is easy and simple to use. ......

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