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http://www.100md.com 2005年2月26日

    李茜* 耿喜臣 金朝 王红 李宝辉 颜桂定 徐艳 李立华 李毅峰 陆霞

    (*710032 西安,第四军医大学航空航天医学系;100036 北京,空军航空医学研究所)

    【摘要】 目的 探讨加速度(+Gz)应激对人体血清睾酮(testosterone,T)和皮质醇(cortisol,C)水平的影响,为飞行员高+Gz应激防护方法提供依据。 方法 6名健康男性受试者分别进行抗荷代偿两用裤配抗荷调压器的抗荷效果试验、抗荷正压呼吸的抗荷效果试验、抗9 G持续10 s试验,测出所达到的G耐力,并采用放射免疫法检测+Gz暴露前、暴露后即刻及次日晨的血清T和C水平。 结果 ①受试者3次+Gz暴露所达到的+Gz耐力分别为6.21±0.49 G、8.17±0.26 G、9.03±0.10 G;②+Gz暴露后血清T较+Gz暴露前有明显降低,C相对+Gz暴露前有明显升高;③ +Gz暴露后次日晨血清T与C都有所恢复,但T高于+Gz暴露前水平,而C低于暴露前水平。 结论 +Gz应激对血清T和C影响显著,引起暂时性低T、高C;促进T和C恢复的方法有待进一步研究。
, http://www.100md.com
    【关键词】 加速度; 睾酮; 皮质醇

    【中图分类号】 R852.21

    Effect of high +Gz stress on human serum testosterone and cortisol levels LI Qian*, GENG Xichen, JIN Zhao, et al. *Faculty of Aerospace Medicine, Fourth Military Medicical University, Xi'an 710032, China

    【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the influence of acceleration stress on serum testosterone (T) and cortisol (C) levels, so as to provide physiological basis for protective measures against the high +Gz stress. Methods Six healthy young men who had centrifuge experience served as subjects. Each of them underwent 3 G tolerance tests on centrifuge in three nonconsecutive days, and G tolerances were measured using antiG suit (with antiG valve); antiG suit + PBG (pressure breathing for +Gz); antiG suit + PBG + antiG straining maneuver. Blood samples were collected before, immediately after and next morning after the tests to measure serum testosterone and cortisol level with radioimmunoassay. Results The G tolerances under 3 conditions were 6.21 G, 8.17 G and 9.03 G for 10 seconds respectively. Serum T level immediately after G exposure was significantly lower than that before exposure, while serum C level immediately after exposure was significantly higher than that before the exposure. Next morning after G exposure, T level had some increase and C level had some decrease, but they couldn't restore to the level before the exposure. Conclusions Acceleration stress can lead to temporary low testosterone level and high cortisol level. The way of enhancing the restoration of T and C levels remained to be solved.

    【Key words】 Acceleration; Testosterone; Cortisol, 百拇医药